Wieso behaupten Veganer, es wäre nicht gut Tiere zu essen, obwohl der Mensch Tierprodukte verdauen kann😋🐖🍗?
wenn der Mensch keine Tiere essen sollte
hätte es die Natur doch so gemacht oder?
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In principle, nothing speaks against meat consumption as long as it is still natural. The problem is that this is no longer the case. It is not natural/healthy to eat as much meat as we do today. Mass keeping also contradicts the natural one. You pump the animals with food that they become beautifully fat, they swarm together to keep as many animals as possible and stuff them full with drugs so that they do not get sick.
This is no longer normal and above all not healthy. Red meat is one of the main causes of heart attacks, as it can block the heart vessels.
I think it’s okay to eat meat as long as you pay attention to quality! Because I wouldn’t like to eat a pig where I know it had a terrible life. I think it’s okay if someone’s vegan or vegetarian, but I have to say that vegans are the right environment. For soy for all vegan things must be cultivated and soy needs a lot of water. Water is consumed and children died somewhere in poor countries. Desalb I find it good to deal with it
It’s okay to eat meat. It’s okay not to eat meat. Everyone should decide for themselves. Some people don’t eat meat because they feel bad when the animals have to die for it. Even if (almost) every person can drink and digest meat, a few people don’t want to eat meat. The vegans try to persuade the meat eaters that it is not good to eat meat so that no more so many animals have to die. On the one hand it is understandable, on the other hand it is the decision of each individual person.
I personally like meat very much and would not like to be criticized for it…
Because they depend on an ideology that lt. Definition of the vegan society as far as possible and practically feasible – to avoid all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or other purposes.
Eating animals contradicts this definition.
In fact, nature has made it so that people are omnivores with preference on plant food sources. Doesn’t matter. Nature has also “made it” so that beings carry out their conflicts by killing their counterparts.
But even if such behaviour is widespread in nature, it is forbidden that a family leader kills all the children of the family who were born by another man.
I don’t want to say anything about eating meat from time to time.
The vegan argumentation is that the consumption of meat is no longer necessary for our health and we are merely putting our enjoyment over the lives of animals, which is not so cool ethically.
In addition, ne vegan diet is much more environmentally friendly than the consumption of meat.
And the argument that eating meat is natural is, in my opinion, only conditional. Yes, humans have always eaten meat, but mass animal husbandry that animals are pumped with drugs, they have to mutilate because they would otherwise do it themselves and we have so much trouble that if they are not slaughtered they would die in their own overweight anyway after a short time, nothing has to do with the natural.
So in summary, it would fix a lot of problems if just all vegans would live, or at least regulate their consumption of animal products to a conscious measure, 60kg meat per person per year does not have to be
at the time there are many thoughts that are very fashionable, and one of them is that you live vegan better, or that if you eat animals, you can almost be considered a murderer.
if the humanity could not have eaten animals (as it was sometimes eaten by animals), it would have died. Interestingly, the man has not eaten by pastry or fruits in a greyer time, and meat has arrived later, but it was vice versa: he has eaten essentially of meat (because in the ice age in our felts nothing has grown) and the rest has come more and more. this can be traced in the palaeon, the museum of the beautifulinger speere, which are around the 100,000 years old and served the hunt.
Moreover, the human being can eat everything possible, that is an evolutionary advantage over gattungen, which depend on a particular food. pasture, plants and arable farming, which was necessary for this, was therefore a wild additional guarantee of nutrition.
what we have at the time is, however, an absolutely exaggerated meat consumption. sausages and other preserved products helped over the winter, the roasts only on Sunday. the desire to be able to dispense meat products at any time on every day and to be cheap is unhealthy and has led to mass conservation and environmental damage. It is very useful to take action against it. the Asian kitchen zb comes out with far less meat without giving away taste and nutrition.
but like everything in life, it is of course far less interesting to find a good compromise. much hiper it is to put on the road and people who are not the same as one to dissen. radical thoughts are the more spectacular, which is why social media are rushing on it.
Sorry but the text really cut me off the socks🤩 Informative, factual, both opinions and their arguments. You really have a great writing stalk you like to leave, I just say hut off🎩
I don’t see any reason to eat wild. Animals for our consumption to breeds and therefore to lock in, however, I find very discardable…
Actually, it’s not okay, at least not in the masses as it does our society. High meat consumption has consequences for our health (in the worst case) and certainly follow for our environment. I do not think that I can ever be completely vegan/vegetarian, but we should then at least limit ourselves to less and better, “produced” or species-friendly meat.
and why do you speak to yourself
and choose
eating meat is not okay?
Because it’s not okay, but I eat meat despite the knowledge.
The hope dies last
Sounds weird, I know, but I hope you understand.
ahja all clear
They claim to torture and kill sentient beings due to ethical issues.
An animal is not tortured or killed for fun.
They breed animals.
To ensure nutrition.
You can argue about the right breeding and balanced diet.
When it comes to ensuring food, you should completely stop meat consumption. For in order to generate the same amount of energy from meat as from vegetable food, you need a lot more area, energy and water. Therefore, it would be much more efficient to produce herbal food when it comes to ensuring world food.
You don’t make food safe Meat is unnecessary luxury
He can digest meat, but he doesn’t have to. Instead, he could also feed himself in pure plant and resort to food supplements. Personally, I’d rather have a dead animal on the plate.
Everyone has a different opinion and everyone can eat what he wants.
Depends on several factors…..ab and on meat is not bad, best of course if you also know where the meat comes from (from the farm would be ideal). Vegans and vegetarians are mostly convinced of their eating behaviour due to climate protection and animal husbandry (in animal factories).
I’m a vegan and for myself it’s not okay, but what’s okay for others, I can’t decide. It is also spoken of ethics in veganism. You can digest human flesh, you want to eat it now? Sand is going to eat. I find it wrong if you want to decide something like that for others, but if you want to hear arguments, please look at my profile or write to me.
Now you’re right to eat and digest human flesh, but the fact that the blood of your own is not tolerated should leave it out.may lead to stomach pain and bleeding. Use of clay that can cause constipation. The swallowing of color can put a person in danger of attracting lead poisoning. Meat in too large amounts is also not compatible but the law : everything in dimensions and not in masses applies to all foods as apples can also cause large amounts of stomach discomfort.
I live vegetarian (so the answer) but would never force anyone as I eat. Everyone can decide how much consumption is enough from what food is, differs from person to person, so no one has to interfere:)
then you chose the wrong answer
Dear Buhlii23,
I don’t know what intention you asked the question, and all the time it’s funny to the answers of people who try to eat animals isn’t okay, so I want to know why you’re trying to unravel here in a provocative way. Please explain your motives for the position of the question and the behavior you put on the day.
I’ve already written that I chose her for MY way of life
that is so paradoxical
Why? I don’t eat animals and don’t want it, others can eat what they want. For MICH personally, it wouldn’t be okay if I was eating meat for others. Yeah, it’s confusing, but I’m tired and I don’t know what I’m writing.
Meat is not unhealthy. But gives a lot of inferior crap on the market
In vegetables and fruits, this is different
But I’m not doing it and I’m just good at it.
No, it’s not. “Because they had a good life” is not justification. It wouldn’t be human either. That’s how a murderer could argue. Doesn’t make any sense!
Since beings (animals) do not contract the blood of their own kind, consumption of the flesh of a person is not normal . Killing and killing the dead beings are also called murder in animals and is not ok during the consumption of an animal of another kind is completely normal for omnivores such as humans or brown bears or also carnivores such as the wolf or lion.
I don’t eat meat, but I don’t want to bother others with my opinion. It is better to consume at least meat from good posture if you do.
The human being is an omnivore.
An ally, but with a focus on herbal food.
In addition to vegetables, mushrooms and fruits, this includes meat and fish.
Man can also digest human flesh.
there are certainly different arguments – each one has its meaning.
This has ethical reasons that are underpinned today by energy policy arguments.
Humanity continues to evolve evolutionaryly, towards the vegan consumer, but with compulsion it cannot be forced.
It is not about what is good for humans, but what is good for the animals.
I don’t think there’s a human way to kill someone who wants life.
Meat tastes very good and is very healthy.
But the vegans find it not good morally
without animal breeding, many people would die miserable
What do you mean?
In order to achieve the greatest possible biodiversity that is vital to human life through agriculture, an ecological circular agriculture is necessary. With plants and animals.
Like nature. Nature has not produced plants, plants and animals without soil. To keep this in balance, almost everyone eats.
You know, however, that you’re pulling more soybeans when you are, instead of eating the Tire that was fed
in the current situation?
Hammer logic in any case, I can digest poison too.
No, poisons are excreted over the liver.
There are different poisons.
No energy can be obtained from poison.
=Appeal to Nature Fallacy. Your statement doesn’t make any sense, as it goes back to naturalness.
Seen from evolution, man is created as an “everything eater”!
Because it’s modern.
Man and his ancestors have always eaten meat.
Even our nice relatives – the chimpanzees – eat meat.
Right. Meat is a basic food. It is provided by nature that man eats it.
=Appeal to Nature Fallacy
This is not a digestive technique, but a moral thing. Vegans do not use animal products because they think the use of animals is bad.
Because veganism is not about logic or rational thinking, but about ideology…
You can also digest nerve poison or grass and wood, your argument is stupid