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2 years ago

Because it continues to be researched. There is always something that one does not yet know – and also the realization that earlier assumptions were not correct and were based, for example, on an error or lack of information.

Scientific “founded assumptions” and “current research stands” are often sold in the media as “unambiguous truth” – but is usually not so. And when an acceptance is publicly revised, the less scientifically interested people are sometimes as if they wanted to tell them “new truths”.

It does not change the truth, but it changes which part of the truth you know and how to interpret it.

What are the examples?

Let’s just take the big C.

At the very beginning, you did not know much about how Covid is spreading. Known similar diseases had to be used to make targeted assumptions. It was known, for example, that cold viruses spread particularly well in kindergartens and schools. Since Covid appeared similar to a cold, it is therefore assumed that here the kindergartens and schools are special infectious soils and recommended their closure.

In the meantime, many studies have been made on the spread behaviour of Covid. It was observed all over the world and the information was exchanged. When thousands of scientists research at the same time, great gains of knowledge come together very quickly. Covid is now known to behave differently than normal colds. That in schools and kindergartens it is not as busy as other cold waves. And that’s why we now know that the closure of kindergartens and schools was quite meaningless.

You just know that now and you didn’t know it at that time. It has not changed the truth, but what we know about the truth.

And whoever doesn’t understand, run around and shouts, “for now they say this, then that… you can see that they just want to scare us.”

2 years ago

More and more can be measured with increasing precision. Thus, hypotheses and theories can always be better checked and, if necessary, rejected or corrected. See a video from Lesch to Dark Energy, or accelerated expansion of the universe.

2 years ago

In today’s science and other research, there are constantly new results. Never been so much researched. This is not without consequences.

2 years ago

For example, through ever-newer and better telescopes (optical telescopes, radio telescopes or space telescopes), our knowledge of the universe expands at great speed.

In my opinion, the perspective of further life in other parts of space has changed. While some time ago a large number of other energized planets have been assumed, there are now more scientists who think life on other celestial bodies is rarer. Especially intelligent life. But after all, div. earthlike planets were discovered.

2 years ago

Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll know what I had for breakfast tomorrow morning, which I don’t know now and today.

The reason for this is that I can then resort to an observation of an event which has not yet taken place.

2 years ago

Why: because we make more and new excavations/discoveries, have new research methods, new instruments.

Examples: Urmenschenknochen in North-Dakota, Hubble telescope -> James Webb telescope, PCR method in genetics.

2 years ago

Grobly said by research and media.

2 years ago

Because you have more knowledge, the best example is that the earth is a disc.

2 years ago

Our knowledge changes because we are interested in new findings.

2 years ago

The scientific astronomy, for example.

Without them, today we would still be sitting on a mirror egg through space.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cepha

This is a mistake that was only spread in modern times. Even before Columbus, it was already known that the earth is a sphere and the church did not contest that at that time. Only she thought the earth was the center of the universe.

2 years ago
Reply to  uhyrius

Columbus knew it, yes. But how could he prove it to everyone?? Not with the education at that time, which is currently steadfast.

2 years ago

Who says that Columbus had to prove that to anyone or anyone, and that knowledge of the spherical shape of the earth was not a general knowledge?

2 years ago

No, these are fairy tales that were spread later. It was widely known long before Columbus that the Earth is round. Wikipedia is very detailed:


“The 19th Century risen legend, the medieval Christianity believed in an earthly disc, was exposed as historical error”

2 years ago

As an example, I would take the climate change, so today you know a lot more about these processes just a few years ago.