Wien Flughafen, Bus & Bahn Ticket?
& zwar fliege ich vom 24.6-30.6 mit meiner Freundin nach Wien… nun meine Frage wie kommt man am besten vom Flughafen & die Innenstadt & kann man vllt ein Ticket buchen was man für 6 Tage nutzen kann, für die Öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel inkl. Flughafen hin & zurück…
Wäre cool wenn mir jemand hilft bzw. mir vllt einen Link sendet 💪🏽
Vielen Dank im vorraus!! ❤️
Vienna has the great advantage of having this CAT = City – Airport – train . This is a line, a special train that only travels between airport and city . You’re right in the middle of it. The best one is still – on the day of departure you can leave your suitcase beforehand – even check in and release your boarding pass – and spend the day (depending on the time of departure) still cozy in the city – luggage is already given up.
Google did this again for the sake of purpose – it did not drive to corona times.
And these cards are available for different lengths (days ), get them at the airport in a tourist office .
And then ….toll days in Vienna! It is unforgettable!!!
CAT costs extra, is net very cheap . here is a link to the maps – you can compare… If you don’t want to use the CAT, go right away with the Öffis.
There are taxis and public buses to drive to downtown.
The cheap weekly card is available at the vending machines of the Viennese transport companies.