Wielange Sommersteinpilze noch trocknen?

Ich trockne die Pilze an der Luft. Gestern haben die Pilzscheiben 6 std an der Luft getrocknet. Bis zur jetzigen Zeit nochmal 5 zusätzliche Stunden.

Wielange sollte ich die Pilze noch trocknen lassen, dass sie auch ordentlich haltbar sind?

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1 year ago

Hello, they have to break like potato chips. In the air, it’s difficult to get the best chances at Ostwind. But if they can only be easily bent, there is still residual moisture in it and then they gamble at some point. Place it in the stove and after-dry at 50° C. for one or two hours with a slightly opened flap.

A Dörrgeräte would be worth it. The cheap discounters always have something online. This can also be used for other things. I kill mushrooms for about 6 hours at 50° C.