Wiel viel Bidschirmzeit würdet ihr einen 14 Jahre alten Jugendlichen erlauben?


wie lange sollte man als 14 Jahre alter Jugendliche am Tag vorm Bildschirm hocken dürfen? Also TV, Handy, PC. Was ist eine gute Zeit? Ich streite mich damit oft mit meinen Eltern und möchte mal eure Meinung wissen. Sollen meine Eltern auf meinem Handy und PC eine App zur Zeitbegrenzung installieren? Muss die mit einem Passwort geschützt werden?

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1 year ago

Dear Smurfetti, you can’t judge this, it depends on the mental maturity of the youth and how self-responsible it is with the use of the mobile phone. It may be that no limitation is necessary or it is necessary. In the latter case, I would find as appropriate 3 to 4 hours a day.

1 year ago

It’s hard to say. My people can use this as often as they want. Condition is the homework to be done and also what is done right (football, bike, friends meet, time with the family, etc.) if e.g. once a real weather day is where no one has anything to do and nothing to do, this can be really many hours (if you don’t want to get to the permanent state, but you can also chill yourself a day on the couch with Netflix).

Only restriction: Since my little (11) needs a lot of sleep for him the Internet starts at 21:00.

1 year ago

I’d say everything together is 4 hours. However, one must remember that digital content for school and learning is becoming more and more.

1 year ago

so much he wants, he is old enough

1 year ago

I think that limiting the flat screen time is insane.

It makes a difference whether you are researching the school, chatting with friends, watching TikToks or playing.

I would certainly resolute certain apps and pages.

But chatting with friends or reading things for school, my child is likely to be as long as it wants. Even with creative things like drawing or making music, I would certainly not draw a limit.

1 year ago

My son is 14 and currently has 45 minutes of screen time, which is enough to play a bit and write with friends. The phone shouldn’t be a hobby. He’s got more on the weekend. A child protection app is essential, it can only access websites that we have shared and do not download apps without our consent. Everything else would be irresponsible. He doesn’t have a TV.

1 year ago

If you take it seriously, 1 hour for everything together.

Realistically, considering the environment of the child, it is actually unlimited. Otherwise, there can be exclusion, hänseleien or the like, and even more harm to mental health than media consumption itself. It’s not nice, but unfortunately the reality of today.

1 year ago

Unlimited or 4 hours.

1 year ago

If then more rules would be set up where the phone is undesirable, no cell phone at the dining table and the time for shocking and tv limit, or he should first make his stuff for the school and then can then look zb ne an hour tv and zock an hour. I would only limit cell phones with problematic consumption.

1 year ago

Two hours should be enough. (excluding homework)

1 year ago

Actually, unlimited porn sites, gambling or excessive violence should be blocked.