Wiege ich zu viel?
Schönen guten Tag meine lieben GuteFrage Nutzer.
Gerade eben erst hat mir ein unfreundlicher Nutzer vorgeworfen, dass 120kg als Traumgewicht einfach nur psychisch krank wäre.
Was er dabei aber vermutlich nicht bedacht hat, ist, dass ich knapp 207cm groß bin und 24 Jahre alt bin.
Meine Frage lautet nun: Bin ich wirklich viel zu dick? Sollte ich sofort abnehmen? Ich persönlich fühle mich sehr wohl in meinem Körper.
MfG Thorsten
You have your well-being weight.
Thank you.
Thank you! My paradebsp.: My father was 1,72. Both weigh 100kg. The little one looked like a barrel on wheels, the big one had no butt!
Thank you for the star!
Your BMI is no longer in the normal range, but in the light overweight. However, if you do not have any health restrictions, it is safe.
I would still advise you to feed you healthy and move you enough. In my opinion, the weight loss is secondary.
the BMI is only a thing for undernourished persons
That’s not true. Nevertheless, I am with you that you should not just rely on the BMI, is simply an outdated system. For example, the BMI can not distinguish muscles from fat.
your muckis hasn’t thought about anyone, with your size you have more stable bones
In that case, I would see your weight as absolutely unproblematic. If you want some certainty, you can ask your pediatrician.
I have a lot of muckis!
According to this website https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/bmi-calculator/ I wrote all the results I saw :
Your BMI is 28, so you should lose weight.
6 to 7 kg is a good target.
Thank you!
120kg are already a lot – even for this size. Try to take off healthy through sports as well as healthy diet. According to the Internet, 83-106kg is perfect for your age and size!
But as long as you feel comfortable and don’t want to lose weight, you don’t have to lose weight (no one can force you!
Deutet to light overweight – but you should train would be the original normal weight
I am 208cm small and weighed 92kg., then 120kg are too much.
“small” is very generous.
28,00 is your BMI.
A little too much.
Even at measurements, your ideal weight is between 80 -100kg +-5kg.
Why don’t you even expect your BMI?
And that means overweight.