Wiedergabe fehler bei twitch auf firetv stick?

Hab seit mehreren monaten probleme beim livestream schauen auf twitch. ich schaue meist auf dem firetv stick nur seit längerem taucht wenn ich ein livestream anmache kurzer zeit später ein fenster auf das die wiedergabe nicht möglich wäre finde jedoch keine lösung online. habe bereits versucht die app zu löschen und neu instalieren bringt jedoch nix. Gibt es irgendwen der das schonmal hatte und mir da weiterhelfen kann?

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4 months ago

On the FireTV never had since I had no look but on the TV and the computer/laptop constantly live streams, on the TV never had but on the computer he actually loaded sometime during the transmission and then suddenly displayed errors during playback after the reload it was again a short time later that was again, I doubt that can be on the Internet because this is at least very good at me, I think that somehow the Tw will always be Ask for Amazon Support or Twitch Support.

4 months ago
Reply to  mxndybka

If it had only last week, never before and on Sunday the problem was not, just click on the button with reload on the computer then it will run again.

4 months ago

Okay funny, just annoy them and describe exactly what and when the problem is then help them possibly more than come with me always good answers.