Wieder zugenommen, sieht man es deutlich?
Hi, ich bin 19 und viele Monate ins Gym gegangen und hatte extrem gute Fortschritte. Seit einigen monaten nehme ich wieder zu, ich gehe nicht mehr so oft in s gym und urlaub, party haben mich zunehmen lassen. Sieht man es arg, bzw. Bin ich dick.
Mein Übergewicht war der grund für gym, also dass ich überhaupt gegangen bin. Hatte Routine….
Ich wiege jz 82 kilo und bin 178 groß.
davor waren es 75 auf 178.
Bild vorher.
Jz. Und rasiert(:
you can still see the ribbows in the upper picture, but at the lower no longer and also your belly has grown comparatively strongly.
you already see it clearly, but now you don’t look for extreme overweight or something….just get back into your usual Rythmus and you’ll look like before 🙂
Yes, it’s time to do something again, Specki
Pack your sports bag and go on
am I so nasty?
But merciless, look for yourself. Maybe you go through the kindergarten as Tarzan, but in the world of the adult it doesn’t go at all
You know? 😉
Don’t let some comments insure you. If you’re going after that, you’re just going to Schwarzenegger’s. For example, I’m much too thick and see more and more boys in my age who are getting bigger and thicker.
didn’t know it was so bad
Have a little bit increased, but now look healthier. Don’t make your head, and it doesn’t look like it for a long time. So everything relaxes
In a direct comparison you can see it, of course. You still have a good figure.
yes, you see that very clearly.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
Unfortunately, you see it clearly. LG
You look completely normal, on both pictures I would call you slim.
Yeah, sure.
The new Pummi image: VIEL more beautiful! 🔥
Take it!! 😛
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