Wieder zu ING?
Ich habe mir vor ca 6 Monaten ein Konto bei der ING gemacht. Leider war ich aufgrund meines kranken Katers 700€ im minus und konnte es erst später ausgleichen,.. daraufhin wurde mein Konto gelöscht. Ich würde allerdings gern wieder zur ING. Ich gehe nicht mehr ins minus und habe Kontrolle über mein Geld. Ist das möglich? Soll ich denen was schreiben oder wie kann das wieder funktionieren?
You don’t have the opportunity to penetrate your specialist at ING. The support is done exclusively by call center and their phone players can never really give information.
So you don’t have a way to inquire before submitting your application.
In my opinion, you are on the blacklist at the ING. They don’t want you more than customers.
I doubt that you will be able to reopen an account, but you can try:)
Probably the bank will reject you. I can’t advise you to ING from my own experience.
I had extremely bad experiences last night. I changed my phone and had no access to my account for two weeks due to the bad service. There was an undamaged automatic response to my first message that I could also contact the chatbot. spelling also seems a mystery to the writer of the automatic answer: She was small
I would expect more professionalism from a bank. In addition, they are no longer as favorable as before and some things are almost no longer worthwhile (e.g. cash payment).
Try another bank.
With this you are stamped as unreliable. They won’t take you back.