Wieder keinen Sinn mehr im Leben nach Prüfungsphase!?

Hab jetzt 6 Prüfungen geschrieben für die Universität, alle liefen sehr gut bis gut.

Habe täglich stunden gelernt, routine, disziplin, auch über 10h auf pump. Koffein, Energys, Schmerzmittel und Co.☹️☹️☹️

Es ist aber so schlimm jetzt. Habe keine Hobbys, nichts zutun und kein Umfeld. Stehe wieder vor dem nichts. Ganzes Leben für die Tonne, gute Noten im Studium bringen mir auch nichts ehrlich jetzt

Mein Leben fühlt sich wieder extrem scheiße an. Normalzustand. Meine Antidepressiva bringen auch nichts.

😒😒hasse mich und alles.

Wie geh ich damit um was soll ich tun?

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7 months ago

LSD, generally psychedelics, helped me continue. Without a joke, there is a risk for certain people to develop a psychosis, but that is a small fraction. You can order LSD Derivatives Legal..they have cured my depression for 3 months completely and I could feel emotions again. I really recommend it to everyone, especially if you have a good tripsitter.

Believe me psychedelics are the solution to your problem… it gives you so much hope, motivation and self-confidence. Women suddenly found me interesting and I was finally socially on the way.

Of course, if you have something in your head, LSD will give you a lot. I think you have such a potential to gain great insights.

7 months ago
Reply to  Doktormythos2

What the hell… it’s really dangerous that this is sold legally online.

7 months ago

That’s normal. I completed my training well and still I still suffer. 😀

7 months ago


Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. You can also go to a psychologist.

I’m Christ. Faith helps many people. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.


7 months ago

If you have time, find a hobby.