Wie zuverlässig ist ein BMW e39?
Überlege mir als erstes Auto entweder einen Mercedes W202/W210 oder einen BMW e39 zu kaufen. Alle Autos gefallen mir sehr gut und sind preislich in Ordnung.
Nun stellt mir die Frage wie zuverlässig ist der e39? Gibt es viele Elektronik Probleme?
Gibt es denn noch andere Alternativen von Autos die ich noch nicht auf dem Schirm habe, die sehr robust und zuverlässig sind?
Can’t advise you well. Don’t know your financial situation. Even if they are almost given to you, you will always put your saved money in. If they’re still good, they’ll keep the owner. The remaining rest will dissolve in rust. Find something younger.
This can no longer be said in general. the individual vehicle is crucial.
The E39 was built from 1995 to 2004. So it’s a minimum of 15 years old, the car is beyond its expected end now anyway.
Especially in the high motorizations there were previous owners who could be accused of questionable handling of the car.
After 20 years, the good rust protection of the Vor-Facelift is at its end and you have to look closely there. After-Facelift was already worse corrosion protection anyway, the Touring models are also a bit more susceptible than the Limo.
The electronics sometimes have problems with the E39, but if it’s up to now, that’s right. Only small things such as pixel errors in the on-board computer or skimmers are usual at the temperature sensor of the air-conditioning system, defective keys. It’s not a warring thing.
If you find an E39 that’s still good in shot, and where the owner already had some repair, you can have fun with the vehicle. I just had some grate problems with new steel solved when I was 20 years old.
However, the W202 is still blurred, there are hardly any vehicles that are held by more than the grate.
“The car is beyond its expected end in the meantime anyway.” 😂 Aha, how long can the BMW keep in your opinion where your own is 20 years old? Could it also depend on good care, what do you mean?
Automobile manufacturers expect 15 years as a target corridor. Everything about it should be happy for the owner, because this is his merit.