Ich kann das alles nicht mehr. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt und Kämpfe mittlerweile seit 5 Jahren mit Übergewicht.. ich bin 180cm groß und wiege 83kg. Ich hatte mittlerweile bestimmt 500 Anläufe um abzunehmen aber dann sehe ich essen und denke “och komm ein stück schadet nicht” und fresse bis mir schlecht ist. Ich war vor 2 Wochen bei meiner Oma und dort habe ich wirklich nur 3 Mahlzeiten zu mir genommen, genügend getrunken und 9000 Schritte pro Tag gemacht und ich war überglücklich, als auf der wage 78kg stand. Und weil ich so stolz auf mich war gab es zur Belohnung essen und noch mehr und noch mehr-… sagt mir jetzt nicht, dass wenn ich es wollen würde ich mich zusammen reißen müsse… ICH WEIß DAS MITTLERWEILE SELBST. Die Mädchen aus meiner Klasse nennen sich selbst “dick” wenn sie 53kg wiegen.. ich habe garkein hungergefühl mehr. Ich esse einfach nur. Es gibt keinen Tage, an dem meine Familie keinen dummen Kommentar über mein äußeres macht. Und ich habe schon versucht mich damit zu motivieren so dass ich es allen “zeigen kann”. Es ist nur noch unvorstellbar für mich nur 3 mal am Tag zu essen.. mindestens 8 mal. Ich hatte heute 4 Brötchen.. 4!! Es gibt keine Nacht mehr, in der ich nicht weinen. Ich heule sogar jetzt gerade. Ich fühle mich einfach nur noch wei ein Wrack aus Speck und Tränen.
Well, with this body size you can already allow a few kilos more than the 50-kilo girlies from your class.
If you like to eat so crazy (which I can understand very well) then you have to move almost constantly. How about Badminton? It’s really exhausting and really fun. Every day by bike to the outdoor swimming pool, as swimming is very efficient. Always take the stairs, never take the elevator, and – with all understanding for your passion for food – once a day you should really make it to say no.
I just lack the motivation. Sometimes I’m in bed for days and staring at the ceiling for hours. I feel like something heavy on me and pushing me down. Your suggestion sounds great but the heavy something is getting heavier and only lifts off from the thought to moss.. if I continue to do this I crack the 100kg brand with 15. That sounds all just after an excuse but it’s really like I’m crying and eating
I read your answers, and read that you have no motivation. And honestly, if you want to do it, fuck it and pull it out, you think “boah ne exhausting”, fuck it, “I can’t do it anymore,” fuck it. Sometimes you have to. I’d have to go through there, and it doesn’t take long, you just have to be careful not after you’re finished just going on like before. These habits are extreme, but can be dispensed with by this strict one. Meaning if you can change your eating behavior for 2 weeks, you will notice that it will be much easier for you than now.
Lad ne calorie counter app down and see that you don’t go over maximum
I’ve tried so often
Try to fast
Do you think that’s gonna keep me drunk?
If you mind, you have two options:
1. Change it. So: change diet, sport, decrease.
If you can’t:
Two. Change your attitude. So it doesn’t bother you anymore. Go on as before and don’t care what others say.
Whatever option you choose, work is always connected. It’s just the question which goal is more realistic for you.
PS: Nicely written.
I just don’t want to be labeled “the thick”. I don’t want people to think about me in that word. But I just can’t get it. I think I’m just mentally ill. My steps: 1. Rise 2. Going down eat 3. Eat 4. Eat 5. In the evening lie in bed and cry 6. I only feel free when I drill my fingernails into my skin and add wounds to me. My legs look like I walked through 100m barbed wire, so I started in primary school. I would like to cover my whole body and be alone forever.
If you’ve already had 500 calls then start the 501 and dnan the 502 attempt. Everything is better than giving up. If you eat a lot, just eat more vegetables and proteins. You can eat much more of that. Move enough, do sports. Look at Youziber. Could recommend Patrick Heizmann. Put yourself in front of a mirror and ask yourself what you really want to do. Don’t let anyone stop you. Neither self-confident and become aware that you absolutely need a Sacje, which is called willpower. Wine is okay. But then wines will wipe away tears instead of eating frustration. Listen to the motivation sports music. Don’t give up. You can pack it. You just have to wake the animal in you. Believe in yourself, even if no one else should. You lost only when you give up yourself.