Wie züchte ich Kresse richtig?

Hallo! Ich habe vor kurzem wieder meinen Kresseigel rausgeholt und etwas gesät, leider ist es nicht ganz geglückt (siehe Bild). Kresse muss jeden Tag gegossen werden und ist deshalb auch ein gute Nährboden für Schimmelpilze. Wie verhindert man, dass die Kresse fault, bevor sie ausgewachsen ist?

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1 year ago

You just took too much water. It’s like a lake from the sight of an ant…

Then only moisten the hedgehog on it and moisten it with a spray bottle.

That makes you 1x every day and then the kesse grows as well as she should.

1 year ago

Hey stubipika

It looks like a lot of water. Cress does not have to be poured, rather sprayed. Also a tip is a bit of cotton or a handkerchief to put under the seeds, then it gets much better! I’d start over again, the others are not to be saved.

Good luck! And a nice day! 😜🌱🍀


1 year ago

I think this is too much water, the clay should probably suck water (KP), but the seed should not swim in the water.

I just use moistened cotton on a plate and pour once a day, there’s never something moldy.

1 year ago

Place the cream seeds on cotton and spray every day, after a week everything should be green.

1 year ago

Since when is Kresse a pure water plant?


Take loose earth or kitchen towels

+ moisten these without getting too wet

1 year ago
Reply to  Maitreya023

You can keep Kresse in water. But the water has to be renewed either continuously or to provide a healthy ecosystem.

1 year ago

Looks fucking wet.

I’d let Kresse swoop into the ground with a handkerchief of warm water.

1 year ago

You shall pour the cresss, but do not make a swamp landscape:D