Wie zieht man abnehmen so richtig durch?

Also ich hab mich messen und wiegen lassen beim Arzt und ich bin 1,73m groß und wiege 62,7kg und meine kleine Schwester ist 1,71m und wiegt nur 46kg und ich finde ihre Figur so viel schöner, kein bisschen fett am Bauch, klar sind 63kg nicht mega viel, aber ich fühle mich richtig unwohl im Moment weil ich seit dem Sommer fast 6kg zugenommen habe und ich will bis zum Sommer am liebsten 50-52kg wiegen, aber wie zieht man das gut durch? Ich hab immer nur so maximal bis 55kg geschafft abzunehmen und nie darunter. Aber ich hasse seit ich klein bin einfach meinen Bauch über alles weil ich eif nur da fett anlegen kann und sonst nirgendwo anders, also wie kann ich weitestgehend Bauch fett verlieren und das auch richtig durchziehen?

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24 days ago

since I am 8/9 I don’t like my body

this is really bad and must be a really unpleasant feeling for you. In addition, we humans cannot choose our body.

It is important to know that you are not guilty of the situation and do not need to be ashamed.

1,73m tall

you would weigh a lot. I’m sure you’ll be fine with the boys.

I have increased almost 6kg since summer

I think it could be the first goal to stop the further weight gain, except you still grow significantly.

The weight loss should not reach 6 kg until summer, I guess. It is difficult to remove many kg in a short time and to do the lasting. But something of this could disappear.

24 days ago

At first, you might want to set a realitic goal that doesn’t make you too thin, after that you can calculate on the Internet e.g. at the Esn calorie calculator how much calories you have to eat on the day to take off that you can then try and if you take off slowly and neatly every week e.g. 300g you are important to note on a good way is just that you don’t eat too little

24 days ago

Slow and tidy and small goals gradually

24 days ago

well, eat less fast food and eat ready food and move less sugar and more, then that’s going all alone!

24 days ago

How do you do that well?


clear are 63kg not mega much,

You are absolutely in the normal range! The rest of the sentence is a disturbed perception of your own.

But I hate since I’m little just my belly over everything

You would have been the first toddler that would be able to feel this sensation, despite untrained prefrontal cortex.

24 days ago
Reply to  Luna61617186

You know, that is still a baby-speck at your age?