Wie würdet ihr Schottland als Reiseziel bewerten 🏴🏴🏴?
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hallo ich habe meine eigene meinung würde aber gern wissen was ihr so denkt
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Hallöchen! Ich wollte einmal Fragen wie die ganze Sache mit dem “Auf (Business Class) Tickets bieten” funktioniert. Hat das schon mal jemand gemacht und kann seine Erfahrungen teilen? Ich weiß nur die Lufthansa bietet das an. Ich kenne mich mit Auktionen etc. allgemein nicht aus, aber ich hörte man soll dadurch wohl sparen!
Hallo, wenn es nur die Länder gibt zum auswählen, wo würdet ihr hin?
Scotland is one of the most fascinating destinations in Europe and offers impressive, completely different landscapes in addition to a diverse culture.
Edinburgh, Stirling, Aberdeen, Inverness and Perth, but also Glasgow are among the cities that you must have seen. Of course, it is also worth visiting the impressive mansions with their incomparable gardens. With an annual ticket from the National Trust, admission is also quite affordable. Also spectacular are numerous castle ruins, which can be visited by means of a combined ticket (Scottish Heritage). For whisky lovers there are numerous ‘distilleries’, for Tea & Scones lovers idyllic tearooms and in the evening numerous pubs with traditional music invite you to stay. Those who love loneliness should take one of the numerous ferries to the upstream Hebriden Islands. Extensive hikes through untouched nature with spectacular views provide relaxation and relaxation. The Scots are a very open-minded and hospitable people, and especially in privately run B&Bs, very fast intensive and personal contacts are created, which can last beyond the holiday.
These are just some of the many facets that make Scotland a fascinating destination. For me, for over twenty years, three weeks Scotland has been an absolute holiday must in the summer.
I’m glad I could help you. Thank you for the star!
What is the best season for a Scotland holiday from your point of view?
A very hospitable land and castles and ruins are worth a visit.
I have the small old town of Edinburgh https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh very well enjoyed with the castle complex located at the highest point. The pubs are cozy and musicians play their baggage songs on every street corner. I like to hear Dudelsack music.
The park adjacent to the old town has many unusual trees and it is a recreation to walk through this park.
The weather is, of course, not always as sunny in Northern Europe as in the south, and it must always be expected with individual rainy days and fog.
Never get there. Too wet, too cold, too uncomfortable. I just don’t like the many rains and the landscape is too dark/green. Not mine. Look at pictures okay, otherwise it’s too uncomfortable to me, and the photos of the landscape and castles seem kind of depressive to me. Nix for me. I am a sun child and need a lot of light + warmth.
Skye is a paradise that is beautiful highlands, Edinburgh one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Only the weather does not tell me and greatly restricts the holiday time there for me to summer.
Scotland is certainly also a very beautiful country, but I know very little about it. A friend likes to leave there and her stories were always very positive. Must be worth a trip.
Frédérique 🏔️
I’ve never been to Scotland, but I’d be very interested to make vacation there.
So far I always moved to London when I was in the UK 😅
Although I like the UK, I don’t really like the landscape there. Nice people, no question but the landscape there doesn’t tell me too much.
I find the landscape there (Highlands, Hebriden) “grandios” !
I don’t know, for example, the landscape of Canada is more beautiful.
Can’t be compared with the mountain landscape, for example around Banff or Jasper/in the west of Canada, more with the one in Labrador. I was there – of course in Scotland too.
I’ve never been there, but still consider it “very good” because a backpack trip through the Scottish highlands belongs to one of my long dreams. I don’t know why, but I think I’d really like it.
Sometime 🙂
That sounds really mega horny:)
Personally I enjoyed the mystical atmosphere, the castles, the Scotch distilleries and the warm encounter with the Scots.
Have no interest in Scotland
I find Scotland uninteresting.