Wie würdet ihr reagieren?

Meine Frau und meine Schwägerin haben sich mal kurze Zeit gut verstanden. Meine Schwägerin soll viele schlechte Sachen über unsere Familie gesagt haben und die Krönung: meine Mutter soll sterben gehen! Nun möchte das meine Frau meiner Mutter nicht selber sagen. Wie würdet ihr an dieser Stelle reagieren? Sie sagt, meine Mutter glaubt ihr eh nicht. Das hat einen Grund: Meine Mutter und meine Frau haben jetzt nicht den perfekten Draht. Das liegt aber in diesem Fall an meiner Frau, warum, möchte ich jetzt hier nicht erwähnen. Meine Mutter würde sich nämlich riesig freuen wenn sie mal von selbst kommen würde…

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1 year ago

As a man, stay out of this. My sister-in-law also had a problem with us (me and my husband) without ever mentioning a reason, but I guess the reason is not even me bsw the main reason.

At some point it became better by itself than with her life became better again and she didn’t have to be jealous.

1 year ago

Oh, God, why does your wife really want to do this?
Your sister-in-law’s testimony is clearly lacking in the place, but the pure statement can be just as well torn out of the context as she has excited herself about your mother.
Inappropriate, but now no reason to violate the confidential word.

1 year ago

What are you doing? Your wife and your sister-in-law probably bothered your mother and you only know the version of your wife.
Your wife could have cleared this directly with her sister-in-law if she had disturbed her, but she kept silent. The conversation took place when both women understood well, and now I find myself aside from that time.
The relationship with your mother can also improve your wife differently if she wants it. You write, it’s just your wife? Are you sure?

1 year ago

If someone’s angry, he’ll say such things.
But that should be kept trustworthy for yourself and not the mother.
It’s like petting.

1 year ago

Don’t tell your mother!

That’s exactly how you feed the family monkey theatre and keep it running.

Why can’t you just stand out?!

Don’t shut up!

The sentence also meets the exact point

1 year ago

Boah, stand out.

It’s just that blasphemy’s in trouble.