Wie würdet ihr meinen Gesang bewerten?

Spiele seit mehreren Jahren Klavier und singe manchmal. Würde aber nicht wirklich behaupten das ich gut singe, wollte aber trotzdem mal eine Meinung dazu einholen. Bitte bleibt Respektvoll. Danke für eure Antworten! (Original Song: Abstract: no more hope for the hopeless)


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2 years ago

Hi! Your singing blew your piano game, both parallel doesn’t work well.

It would be better to record the piano alone and then mix the song in a second take.

As far as singing is concerned: difficult to judge because you almost hear nothing. I don’t know or recognize the song and can only say something conditionally:

After my feeling, it would have to be sung higher. It’s lacking proper breathing, you live something together that you don’t really understand. In doing so, you shoot yourself completely rythmically.

I’m pretty sure that if you sing “just” it could be better, but so that it gets good, there’s still a lot missing. So it’s just “well, for home use.” I hope you can start with the notes. Gruss

2 years ago

Piano sounds nice, voice is okay. The singing is difficult to evaluate with such a melody but a bit clearer to speak would be quite good

2 years ago

sounds quite good can certainly improve you, but this is not bad

2 years ago

It’s good for you to start singing, you could also sing a little louder so that you can hear that more because the piano is so louder but otherwise you’re good 👍

2 years ago

That sounds more like spoken to me than sung. So you’re not a very good singer.