Wie würdet ihr im Ausland mit 10.000 EUR ein neues Leben beginnen?
Ich meinte beginnen. Ihr sollt nicht das gesamte Leben von den 10.000 EUR leben.
PS: Viele später erfolgreiche Menschen sind mit 0 EUR und sogar Barfuß geflüchtet oder was auch immer. Es geht also auch ohne Luxusartikel von denen ihr denkt die braucht es 🙂
PPS: Es geht erstmal nicht um Auswanderung bzw. Einwanderung. Man kann ja mit dem deutschen Pass in viele Länder visafrei einreisen und erstmal gucken was dort ab geht. Also nicht gleich mit Einwanderungsanforsrderungen um sich schlagen. 😄
Depending on the country, 10K is enough to get a few weeks or months over the rounds, to pay first accommodation, hopefully for the deposit and first month rentals. But you don’t get that far with 10K, you should find a job there as soon as possible.
At that time I had made sure that I had enough money on the side to keep me 6 to 12 months on water if it doesn’t work the same way with the job. And that was definitely more than 10K, even 15 years ago
UK is also the most expensive place in Europe.
Because you don’t write where to go, I just told you my experience. Of course you can emigrate with 10,000. That can go well, but can also go wrong. Personally, I just wanted to be sure that I don’t have to come home after two months because everything went wrong. But everyone likes him
How much money did you spend?
And how many have failed without money or with small means? Truly much more. Just as much more people with corresponding capital had success.
Then the question arises what you will begin living under a new one? So if I leave abroad, I don’t start a new life there. And if you’re only on a trip, don’t rent a fixed accommodation for a long time, then it’ll be much more expensive.
Because you ask what we’d do… I wouldn’t start a new life at $10,000. Why should I start a new life somewhere without security, where I feel financially worse? Apart from that I don’t have the need to start a new life. In general, I would only emigrate if I had appropriate collateral. Promise a regular good income, whether a job in the country or income from abroad does not matter, only a matter of tax law, depending on the target of a change. And enough reserves to live abroad for a long time without income. And without good language skills, which are also sufficient to do administrative tasks etc., I would never eh emigrate into a country.
clearly, only the least like to give up your standard of living. But everyone’s claim. In Haiti, 10,000€ is about 14.5 times the average annual income. You can live a long life with little demands. In the country, however, people are simply killed for little things on the street. In LA there are 1 bedroom apartments that cost 6000€ and more per month. There are many variations to live between….
That wasn’t my question.
A holiday can be the beginning to look at everything.
No. You choose the accommodation yourself. You can also rent a low-priced tourist in the long term.
Fearful German Michel, who cling to their abstract security in the Buntland, can continue their illusion. My question goes to Macher.
That’s my point.
Right, your question implies the typical dreaming of a person who is unsatisfied with his life and believes abroad everything is better.
Doesn’t have anything to do with building a new life…. In a few weeks there is no career, household and social environment.
But usually has nothing to do with circumstances that come equal to life. In many parts of this world you can also not simply rent an apartment with Touri visa.
Oh, great. If I look at this naive question, then I wonder who is going to an illusion aif. Why are you not a maker here? You don’t have to emigrate to be a creator. Security has never hurt anyone or stopped being a creator. A naive approach, however, makes many people fail in life. This does not change a few exceptions that cover a promille area.
What keeps you from being a creator, building a life and then moving your food point where you like it. It is liked to be plucked to the evil Germany and other countries glorified without taking into account the totality of the topics connected with it. In the end, this is often not much more than dreaming and a nice speech of the situation in which you get into.
I don’t care how others call me.
No, not really. Risk-ready pair with a fuse that you don’t fall in the smallest counterwind leads to success. Where one can live quite risklessly in most parts of the world, if one does what and does not seek out.
Many things can be organized from abroad and with agencies without breaking up into the unknown with pocket money.
Right and they are either associated with corresponding costs or a permanent residence permit. Depending on the country with more or less large hurdles, as many countries do not necessarily wait for immigrants who have nothing to offer. For example, in Japan, the search for housing for foreign countries is much heavier and there is not so easy a permanent residence visa. For example, for a one-year visa, the Japanese demand at least savings of just over €200,000 for spouses, so that no one like you travels on blue dunst without having a plan and then beaching there.
And we’re back away from the successful creator. So you don’t like it here and you don’t even want to create the conditions for a successful start in another country… bad conditions
And some would call you duckmäuser and frightened bunny. The story showed who doesn’t risk anything.
It’s about the beginning.
There are several forms of accommodation that are human in all countries.
Because I don’t want to live in Germany.
Nothing. But I’ll be able to exchange myself with other creators.
I would learn the local language of the destination as well as possible before I begin.
Let us take Paris, Normandy or Oczitanien, French in word and writing is not a problem to me, even in the oczitian language I am well attuned.
I take the $10,000 to look at leases at the destination, for the deposit and first rent as well as to finance the move. Once a local account has been opened and my pension has been transferred to it. I don’t need a job there as a pensioner.
However, I live already where I want to live as a pensioner in the city of my choice on the Baltic Sea.
In principle:
Of course, you can make 2-3 months of long-term holiday in a potential country to emigrate to test it. 10,000,-€ of course are suitable for this!
Or what do you mean?
Without a concrete plan, language skills, and an adequate fitness, I would generally not think of “emigrants”. This is just something for the “Goodby Germany” broadcasts…^^ 🤣🤭🙄‰😲
As start capital, 10,000 – own money can become very scarce when you don’t have a wage-generating job immediately! Eat. 😐
What I wrote.
That’s why I asked how you would use the money cleverly. Nobody says you’re going to go to a luxury villa or to Dubai.
You can use money so cleverly, you can’t pass the general food of a country’s life if you don’t want to live on the street from the begging (and even language skills are of advantage). And there are $10,000 in almost every civilized land of this earth, with which you can make great jumps. Therefore, you should either really bring savings or have a secure income ratio before you break up. Everything else can work with luck, but usually goes wrong. The more distant the goal of the typical Central European life is, the more difficult it becomes. If it is an obvious destination such as Austria, Spain, Italy etc., 10K are not much money.
A citizen’s money recipient receives about 900 EUR per month. Control and rent. That’s a little over 10k a year. I don’t understand your comment.
Well, let’s take a look at what a citizen pays the state. Bingo, not just the money. Why don’t you figure out what a citizen’s money needs to live if you also pay rent, heating costs, health insurance, benefits, etc. in addition to the mere cover.
In Europe you can easily survive a year with 10k. Citizens’ Benefits have been demonstrating this for years. And even longer in poorer countries outside Europe.
With 10,000 euros you can easily rent an apartment in many countries. You have to find a job until you get the money out.
I’ve been moving far less abroad. Don’t live in luxury, but definitely better than I would do in Germany.
Thank you for your expertise! 🤩👍 When you read the other answers here you think the people are already completely dependent on the authority.
How would you easily rent an apartment? In many countries, including Italy, where you know, many properties are private property and foreigners do not come in. And if there are free apartments, they are meant for locals. Foreigners are always referred to tourist accommodation with salted prices.
Many imagine all this super complicated and believe to be trapped. It’s not like that.
In Italy you can also rent as a foreigner. The problem is more that most demand an indefinite contract of employment, keyword of payment. Those who do not have such a contract often have to accept higher rents and poorer real estate, that is true. First of all, if you don’t speak the language and you’re expected to find a job. This has nothing to do with the origin – but with financial security. For landlords, the money ultimately counts.
But with 10,000€ on the account you can also quickly agree differently. And it’s all right.
The easiest thing is, of course, with a contract of employment, only with cash I would look for a short-term solution and then go to job search with high pressure, so that I can go to the job search with the contract of employment.
You might also look at WGs, or just look at local classifieds portals.. Without a job it is always difficult because landlords do not want to take risks – but with some luck you always find someone..
One of my apartments was 40km from the city, in the middle of the Pampa.. had to commute daily for a really long time, but it was worth it.. I bought my apartment last year and I am happy all around.
I thank you very much for your detailed and competent answer! 😇🙏
May I ask you briefly where or how you would be looking for long-term accommodation in another country (not necessarily Italy). Because as I said, I have always come to the tourist accommodation.
Not at all. You should learn what to do with 10K. Maybe 2 to 3 months vacation. That’s it.
Even on the “German” island of Majorca, the emigrants who traveled with “nothing” live in caves and get their food out of the garbage containers.
With 10,000 €, you won’t even get over the 90 days visa-free time in many countries.
What do you think? Even in the expensive Germany you live like a king with 3.333 EUR per month.
Then hopefully you’re thinking that you have to take your health insurance. And in Germany you do not live in a hotel with swimming pool
There you are wondering why you don’t get big makers in Germany and have to go through the world with so little money…. It is now more typical German The state, the choice of making the EU responsible for everything you don’t fit, even though you don’t get anything on the line….
90 days are long enough to put on your feet. That’s why I asked the people who have achieved what in life and not German Griesgrame.
No one’s gonna stop you trying. And without a work permit, you live ILLEGAL in another country no later than 90 days. This is TEUER.
You’re looking for the cumin from the cheese. Make yourself more constructive.
As if it fails at the KV or it is necessary to live in the hotel. 🙄