Wie würdet ihr es finden wenn Deutschland eine einzige Steueroase wäre?
Also ich persönlich fände die Vorstellung in einem Land mit extrem geringen Steuern zu leben schon verlockend wobei ich den Gedanken einer durchundurch korrupten Bananenrepublik auch nicht so toll finde
And who then pays for the construction or rehabilitation of schools, roads, hospitals, etc.
And do you really want to live where you’re leaving home every time, seemingly stumble over beggars and small criminals?
This happens when nobody catches the old, sick, disabled or unemployed.
If now corporations pay as much taxes as currently one and we have 5 times as many corporations here due to the lower taxes, the money comes back in
It is possible that a lower tax rate leads to higher tax income, see Laffer curve.
Paying less taxes is always better than more. In addition, capital would also accumulate here, which would be an advantage for prosperity.
Germany is a social state. And no field of play for social avidists.
Tax havens are only worthwhile for small countries. Above all, money is washed there that was earned by the work of people in other countries.
This does not exclude
I’d say so. Liechtenstein is a control oasis. Many mailbox companies tax their money there. That’s enough for a country like Liechtenstein. There it makes the mass, but there are also few inhabitants.
Of course, you would like to pay as little taxes as possible. Who likes to give money away. But what is the consequence of very low taxes? A state incapable of acting. And I don’t want that at all.
I therefore pay “lower” taxes and hope that our democracy is strong enough that these funds will be used at least to some extent.
Hope is good. What you do is pray.
That, too, has nothing to do with this.
Germany is too big to be tax haven. Both from the area and the population.
She’s almost already. The billions do not pay taxes or very low taxes.