Wie würdet ihr die Wirtschaftsinformatik in Bezug zu Informatik und BWL verorten?

Hallo, wie würdet ihr die Wirtschaftsinformatik in Bezug zu der Informatik und BWL verorten?
Kann man das überhaupt pauschal sagen? Ist das wirklich nur etwas zwischen BWL und Informatik oder kann man dies wirklich als eine eigene Disziplin bezeichnen?

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2 years ago

Yeah, it’s a good mix of both. You have modules that are completely out of the BWL area and modules that are also completed by everyone studying computer science. There are also modules that treat both, e.g. data processing in logistics. This is a lot about information systems, but also the entire logistics itself.

Would you say that business informatics is more than just computer science and BWL? quasi a science […]?

No, not at all. Business informatics is just as a mix of business and computer science as the term economic informatics itself. At the end, however, you will not be a professional in both areas, as a lecturer said. As an economic informant, you can logically not program as well or in many ways as a pure computer scientist. Whether you need it at all depends heavily on what you want to do later.

2 years ago

The Business information takeInterface functionbetween the often technically orientedInformation(the software engineering) and the application-orientedBusiness AdministrationTrue. Their interdisciplinary character is further enhanced by the inclusion of work-scientific, psychological, sociological and mathematical-technical aspects.

As a business informant, you will define requirements for business-oriented company-specific software – but this activity will probably be the only one for business informants that can also be classified as software engineering.

2 years ago

It’s a mix of both, where it’s about drawing conclusions through knowledge from one area in another. One learns computer science in order to develop things in this area that make enterprises easier life or provide better results of the company. In order to know what places you have to do, you learn how a company works.

One of my ex-boyfriends studied this. Between 20 years later, he is a team leader in software manufacturers for B2B and works there as an interface and “translator” between pure IT and pure BWLern. And from the type he was also a mix of both – a bit of annoying IT’ler, but also profit-oriented thinking BWLer, not least through the family background (self-employed entrepreneurs).

2 years ago
Reply to  ShoonjohN

Well, I find it difficult to see BWL in general as a science;). But under the premise that we do it in both cases, I would not consider economic informatics as an independent science in the sense, but rather as a well-established course of study which links both areas well. But for practice, less for research.

2 years ago

It has nothing to do with it. It is a science

2 years ago

If you’re talking about “insensual comments”, please refer to the topic and the discussion! And also with what standards of scientific work involves – and how often in the BWL it will be undamaged…

By the way, for classification: I am an economic expert and love my profession! But I am also an academic child, have spent a few semesters among lawyers and also like clean, scientific work very – and therefore, within my own professional group, have regular toothaches, how inaccurate and inaccurate is worked and argued…

2 years ago

Such nonsensical comments should not simply be read as standing.

And no, this is simply your own (irrelevant and unfounded) opinion. It is an established science, point out.

2 years ago

You are aware that this is by no means just “my feeling”, but is always a topic of discussion within science? And why do you feel so much like kicking your feet on a two-month-old comment now that you had to tap this answer :D?

2 years ago

It is a science of its own; your own feeling plays absolutely no role

2 years ago

As wide and diverse the computer science is and only quite BWL, the business information technology is also shaped. It tries to establish the link between computer science and its fields of application. The latter can be searched in the free economy, but also in public administration, logistics, medicine etc. And yes, it is a separate discipline with also own topics such as request analysis, collaboration, modelling, knowledge management etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  kanimambo

I’m glad we could help you. always happy

2 years ago

What does Danisch say?

“Economic informatics is a vehicle so that those who do not create computer science can call themselves “informatics”. IT odours.”


2 years ago
Reply to  bernjou

I just imagine how the average pure informant tries to talk to a specialist department, not understanding what they need and who don’t understand what he can.

Business informatics as an independent scientific discipline has a right. I do not know how serious this source is. My impression after a short viewing of his comments on Islam or Israel is more that it is very subjective contributions.

2 years ago
Reply to  bernjou

What a mental thin shot