Wie würdet ihr die Geschichte in heutiger Zeit interpretieren?
-Der Rabe klaut Käse, flog auf einen Baum und wollte die Beute dort verzehren
-Die Raben Art konnte nicht schweigen und deshalb hörte ein vorbeikommender Fuchs den Raben über dem Käse krächzen
-„Der Fuchs Lob den Rabe und sagt das man den Raben zum König aller Vögel krönen sollte“
-Rabe sperrte seinen Schnabel weit auf, um dem Fuchs etwas vorzusingen, wobei ihm der Käse entfiel
-Der Fuchs nahm den Käse, behänd, fraß ihn und lachte über den törichten Raben
Most likely, she should testify to what has already been written.
I am very bad in interpreting and the question has already been answered, so I will address a logic error that I noticed.
I don’t know if you just tapped the story wrong or remembered it wrong (I didn’t even know the story before), but:
The raven steals the cheese, flies on a tree and wants to eat it. So good.
Now he crawls, which means he doesn’t have the cheese in his beak, otherwise the cheese would have fallen out now and the fox would have caught it.
Now the fox comes, praises the raven, the raven wants to sing something to him and then the cheese falls down, even though it was not mentioned before that that this is now in its beak. Or did I read something?
So or so: Realistic, the fox has done a favor to the raven because cheese – and other lactose-containing products – is bad for birds. So Win-Win for both.
Smells make a fool of a noble man.
that is a good answer to the label of Äsop