Wie würdet ihr die folgenden Sprüche interpretieren?
“Was erntet man nur was am Boden liegt und wann ist die Frucht am Baum schon reif?”
“Manche Leute treten sich die Schuhe ab, andere lernen sich in den Arm zu husten; Ich jedoch rede immer noch über die Zeitung von gestern!”
“Welcher Stern ist so weit entfernt, aber doch so greifend nah?”
Ich muss leider zugeben dass ich diesen Kokolores geschrieben habe, es sind.. bestimmte Gedankengänge die mich meist nicht in Ruhe lassen. Darunter auch die Poesie.. Na ja, ich liebe Gedichte.
I have recorded very many notes on thoughts, spells and also partial and whole poems. Much of it I have sorted out with the time, because it was not as profound as I thought at the time of writing, but some things have also remained valuable and I am glad to have taken the time for notifying.
I would interpret your sayings as follows:
That would be my interpretations of your sayings. If you meant anything else, I’m interested.
Actually, I meant “What” and not “Wann”. It’s all right.
With the saying, I actually meant that you can only earn real success and nothing that you cannot answer. Relationship not heard. Of course, you can interpret it differently, but that’s how I interpret my saying.
The next means that some people go after their daily habits without leaving their comfort zone. Others, in turn, are looking for new things, always very eager (Wissbegierig gets laughing when this reads). And then there are people like me who only think about past events and rarely leave their own comfort zone. I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea instead of using the I-shape another, but that doesn’t appeal to anyone immediately, but rather resembles a person. That’s possible and doesn’t sound bad. I’ll think about it.
Thank you for your answer, Serela!