Wie würdest du dich verhalten wenn eine Atom Bombe explodiert?
Die Frage soll eher ein Gedanken Experiment sein.
Also stell dir vor du sitzt in deinem lieblings Restaurant und auf einmal explodiert eine Atombombe. Sie ist weit genug weg das du nicht sofort drauf gehst aber doch nah genug um dich nach ein paar Minuten zu töten. Um dich herum geraten alle Menschen in Panik und rennen weg.die Explosion ist noch immer so weit weg dass der Ton noch immer nicht angekommen ist doch das ändert sich gleich.
Also ich glaube dass ich mir nur denken würde:„ tja na dann” und einfach mein Essen genießen würde biss ich sterbe.
Wie gesagt soll es eher als ein Gedanken Experiment dienen und nicht wirklich wiederspiegeln was ihr in dieser Situation in Wirklichkeit machen würdet weil, ich glaube das man in Wirklichkeit genau wie alle anderen reagieren würde.
Bin gespannt auf die Antworten
The only chance you still have in such a situation is to get rid of the place of impact as soon as possible.
Depending on the distance you have only a few minutes to a few hours.
If the impact is less than 10km away and you’re in the middle of a big city, you don’t need to think about it anymore. It’s 20-30km and you’re right on a long road that leads away from the stop, you have a chance. You can only hope that you can get far enough before you get in jam.
Always track the latest messages on the phone.
Looking for the next place as bright as possible and going there.
And otherwise I do it like Indiana Jones and hide myself in the refrigerator;-)
I think it’s possible to think so many thoughts… if it happens, it’s all different than you’ve painted it out.
Instinctively, 99.9% of all people will take the flight, whether it makes sense or not. If you can escape this run, I think it’s unlikely.
Rational I would say I embrace the person I am eating there and tell him/her that it was nice to have met him/her. Who knows?
If there is still the possibility to contact my family I would do that.
But, as I said, theories and practice can be far apart.
Even if I say now, I’m not going into a bunker because what brings me that, even if I get out alive, everything’s broken, dead and radiated. I can’t tell anyone what he’s really doing.
I don’t think that would be so quiet at such a moment and eat it.
It would be anxious to death and a reflex of escape, and these are urinary instincts that cannot be dismissed or controlled.
I’ve also written this
I have to get a little bit of annoying.
If you still have “a few minutes” time, i.e. at least 2 minutes and the pressure wave spreads at the sound speed of 343m/s, the explosion is about 41km far away. The likelihood that you survived is very great. An average modern atomic bomb has an effective range of 10-20km, with the probability of survival rising significantly towards the outside.
However, it would nevertheless be useful to keep away from windows and then, depending on the wind direction, to remove a few kilometers.
A nuclear bomb that is almost guaranteed to kill you kills you within seconds, if not instantaneous. There’s no time to make great thoughts.
I don’t know atomic bomb explosions and a few minutes. But I work in a university clinic and know people who only have days or weeks ahead. Some panic, others go through the 4 (or 5 or 7, depending on the theory) phases of mourning. Some have long since been relaxed and know what’s coming.
Because I now know a lot of experiences with near death, I am sure that I would eat my food or enjoy the espresso. Life is short anyway.
If there was a chance to say goodbye to my loved ones, I would do that.
If I were absolutely sure there was no escape: I would look at the spectacle. I think I’d rather be quiet. I’m a realist. It can also be that my instincts take over.
The spectacle will make you blind faster than you could stab your phone. Especially since the radiation would burn your top skin layer and hair away.
Then be it. But I heard when the atomic mushroom is smaller than the fist, you’re relatively “safe”. 😅
And I wouldn’t think about the phone. Didn’t know what would bring me that..xd
So if you can really watch the explosion, and you just don’t get blind or your clothes get in flames, you have relatively good chances of survival if you hide behind any stable obstacle, yes.
If the next cemetery is close enough…
Early appearance secures the best places.
And who’s going to take this buried? 😅 NIEMAND will be able to correctly assign / define the remains, the whole is predestined for the installation of a mass grave
Depending on what happened to you, stop at the cemetery. You don’t care what happens after that, can you?
At least leave a shadow on the ground and somehow stay there…
In such a case, we no longer need to behave.
Selfievideo “This meal is to the for” with the light ball in the background
consuming the delicately equipped fork, throwing the plate down behind me,
inconceivable cool sunglasses and the video with the words
“Cool guys still don’t look back at explosions”
slowly end, post, go viral and never get away from it.
Also a cool idea 😎👍
Embrace the person I am with
First of all, it’s an honest question… I don’t know how to get on such an idea…
And on the other hand, if you can see this atomic bomb, you don’t need to worry anymore… the flash of light is the last thing you’ll notice… and no second later it’s over.
But what a stupid question…
I’ve actually been thinking about it before. Calls imagination. Why should the question be stupid?
In the immediate vicinity you do nothing at all \./
Shake away with the car without any loss.