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Meint ihr da steckt eine Art Vorwurf drin oder ist es einfach nur so gesagt, als Tatsache, wenn ein Elternteil folgendes gesagt hat?
Und zwar, dass die Eltern Millionäre oder so wären Wenn sie die Kinder (und damit ist man auch selbst gemeint) nicht bekommen hätten.
I’m fine. Got a facial home, a good friend made it two weeks before me.
At the moment it looks that way, so the friendship could develop even more and then I would love our tattoo together.
Today, by the way, this friend is my wife and we expect a child, after the pregnancy we let ourselves continue to tattoo, surely there is something in the face.
It depends on the tattoo and the profession. If he has a firm stand in his job, the tattoo fits him and is well done, I don’t mind.
I myself played a few years ago with the idea of letting me tattoo in front of the ear. It would have been fine for my parents.
Adult children are responsible for themselves.
It could be pointed out which side effects (also professional) have to be noticed tattoos.
If they do that anyway, they must not cry after that when it goes wrong, or they held back when they leave scars.
There are plenty of people who do some tattoos today and leave them away and at every body place it will not always be easy.
That we liked a year ago can be different today.
Also depends on the handling (friends) which. :
Your question doesn’t bring much, because you have already asked parents who are in such a position.
Only then can you answer that, you can say beforehand and what adults “children” who ask their parents before?
What would that be a parnterity if the partner would do it without talking about it?
If my partner would get a facial errand, it depends on what it is. A kitsune tattoo or something a la Princess Monoke would be hot. In general, I find so tribalistcGreatstattoos real hot.
These anime tattoos on the cheeks under the eyes are hot.
A bullet a la jail or gang tattoo rather less.
Show the tattooer for body injury.
My children are underage and have no tattoos.
A tattooist who starts with the face at a minor should actually get a professional ban.
The question is the speech of adult children.
Yes, because the question was changed later.
Then tell them that it is usually not a good idea to get a tattoo stabbed.
But since it’s her life, it’s her decision.
I probably wouldn’t be thrilled, but if I loved the man, I’d accept his decision and get away with it. Sooner or later I get used to the sight. Such superficialities would not be a reason for separation for me and I have no right to prescribe to other (adult) people what they do with their body.
we have agreed
It really depends on what a tattoo, but meaningless surveys in which even words like parents and partners are written wrong can’t be taken seriously.
Depends on how big and what motive, and where exactly on the face.
I have some tattoos myself. And as long as it’s not in the middle of the face, I don’t care
I wouldn’t agree with that and I’d try to talk the facial errand. But everyone has to decide for themselves whether he does it or not.
If they don’t have tattoos at all, I would say a lot of success when looking for a tattooer, the first tattoo does not strike a serious tattooer. 😁
Honestly. I don’t like being together with a woman who’s tattooed. I never liked it and I’ll never be. Cringe.
not positive
for me the face is the business card of man, I want to see IHM in the eyes, no (coloured) image
I find Tatoo’s repulsive.
In very clearly visible places, it would be a reason for me to think seriously about a separation.
Then I wouldn’t be her husband anymore
I don’t like tattoos.
What are Eldern?
I’d ask if he/she still has all the bats at the fence.