Wie würden diese fiktiven Inseln aussehen?
Hallo! Ich habe für eine Geschichte eine fiktive Inselkette im Atlantik westlich von Europa erfunden. (Karte) Wie würden die Inseln im Bezug auf Geographie, Bevölkerung und Geschichte höchstwahrscheinlich aussehen? Danke
Climate is probably warm and maritim. Whether geography makes such sense, I can say badly, perhaps not necessarily on the basis of the current continental plates, but if one assumes, for example, that the surrounding sea is relatively shallow, it could be a simple increase (such as, for example, Britain), that would be the most obvious explanation for me, but perhaps one can also explain it through plate tectonics, theoretically you can also make sense out of another plate in the Atlantic. In the first example, the land mass would probably be rather flat with light hills, and secondly, mountain chains would be possible, probably then rather in the west of the islands (as I said, would also fit the shape and the island chain and would be quite credible for me).
If there is a mountain, probably the majority of the country would be rather dry instead, even France, Germany and Central Europe could be a bit dryr, as the mountains could break many clouds from the Atlantic, the west of this country would probably be very humid and somewhat milder.
To the population and history, it is difficult to say something that one must always include the butterfly effect in historically, that is, if this country had existed, there would probably have been many historical events never or completely different.
Some theories: The most obvious would be that the inhabitants come from Spain or France and cultivate a similar culture, but due to the seclusion over time, have probably established a national state with its own culture and language, which, however, probably has a Latin origin as France or Spain. Theoretically it could also be that there is still a Celtic culture, geographically it would make sense and probably this would have been the first inhabitants. Germanic immigrants from today’s UK, Germany or Scandinavia would also be theoretically conceivable, similar to the fishing axes and later Danes/Vikings in GB. Possibly, there could also be an Arab culture of immigrants or conquerors from North Africa, who would also have had time over large parts of Iberia and perhaps still rule today in this country.
Probably it could have been some mix, the country could either develop into a leading industrial country, possibly reaching even before Columbus America due to the geographic situation, and perhaps making some inventions first, especially in seafaring, as the neighbouring countries such as Portugal, Spain and England were all seafarers. Probably it would have competed with those in colonial times, there would probably have been a race for colonies and probably also some wars.
Theoretically, the inhabitants could have isolated themselves and developed their own culture. This would probably not have worked in Europe for a long time because there were attacks and invasions from neighbouring countries.
In the 1st and 2nd World Wars or in the Napoleonic Wars, this country would probably have been very important, probably they would have taken place at all, as it would have been possible, for example, that France would be significantly weaker, it would have another opponent in the West. I suspect there would often be wars against France and England, so this country could have caused a world war before or changed its outcome, but it could have remained neutral, of course. It is probably important for this decision whether this country is a leading industrial nation at the time of World War I or not, if so it is quite likely to be involved in the war and, in the most dramatic case, could also change its outcome, because of the situation and presumably rivalry with GB, this would be possible.
In addition, in North and South America, as well as in Africa, Southeast Asia or Oceania, some new countries could have emerged, possibly from the colonies of this country. Some of the U.S. population would be from this country if the U.S. had ever existed under these circumstances.
However, this would probably be very minor changes, probably the world history of this country would have changed significantly further and would not be comparable to today’s world. If you are an author to decide what exactly happens, the fact is that there would certainly be a chain reaction as soon as this country and its inhabitants become relevant for the first time. From this point in time, there’s probably nothing like the real world.
Because of the greatness, I would say that the people there have a peculiar mentality. Like the British, something peculiar.
To be an outpost of an existing country, it is too big.
Geography/climate etc similar to Brittany.
However: Such an island would have changed the complete course of history!