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I believe it. You can’t refuel alone. Paying with card is no longer possible. I don’t get any more cash.
Supermarkets do not have an overview of their stock and cannot reorder anything.
Power supply will probably come to rest and heating will not work anymore.
I couldn’t do my job anymore. Not in the home office or in the office.
Then a lot of small things will not be available anymore, but they don’t care about life.
And then everyone has individual problems. Personally, however, I would easily get clear with many everyday things.
Wouldn’t be so great as I do a lot of online banking and I’m often on YouTube and Netflix.
Interesting question. Many would like to say: not because it shows that you are not dependent on the Internet, but the whole world would change. We are connected via the Internet. You get everything from the world with over the Internet. We inform you about the internet. There wouldn’t be any more alone. I only read paper online, listen to a lot of Podcast and Ted Talks, which just falls away. I book holidays online, I am in contact with old college people only on the net so intensively. So much!
I think the whole world would change.
On the Internet a lot depends
I’d be out of my job as I work in the IT industry and there’s practically no more online!
Video counters would experience a renaissance.
Not at all