Wie würde ein solcher Schaden entstehen?
hallo zusammen,
ich bin auf der Suche nach einem neuen Auto, welches angeblich unfallfrei ist, aber so kleine Macken im Lack am Heck hat. Kann das durch ein Auffahrunfall passiert sein ?Da ich mich nicht so gut mit Autos auskenne und wollte ich einfach mal nachfragen ob jemanden einschätzen kann wodurch so ein Schaden entstanden ist ? Dazu: das Auto ist etwa 10 Jahre alt.
You can recognize a rear damage at the bottom panel below the side walls at the rear.
These are normal signs of use when nothing is
This looks like bubbles; so far none of my weighings and they were usually not new. Probably the whole area was painted and there was a reason. It doesn’t have to have been an accident, but I guess the painting was done because of an accident.
Sometimes you can see that the gap between the rear wing and the rear door or front door and front wing is not evenly wide.
With ten years old cars, you can’t expect a new car. If the car does not cost EUR 2000, an accident would not be an exclusion criterion, as long as it was only properly repaired.
The black ones are blowing? Did you think about missing paint? I don’t know that. Maybe it’s just age phenomena.
No, I’m talking about the bumps. The black spots show the sheet without varnish.
If it is the bumper, then you could talk about an accident, but that goes into the bagatel area, as the bumper itself has apparently taken unrecognizable damage. However, if it is slightly pressed in, the paint must necessarily be released, because it is not designed to expand or to contract – at least not to the extent that the bumper can.
My question was only related to the black spots, whether caused by an accident. Don’t have a trained eye.
And what brings us the back and forth? What salary does that have?
You’ve already realized that.
Fine. And what material are the black parts?
This is clearly a bumper
Nice, enlighten us with your knowledge and solve the mystery. I don’t see more than a picture detail here. Maybe it comes from a refrigerator or another technical device.
This is not a tank cover
Then only plastic could be considered. With bumpers not unusual, but next to the tank cover I would expect more sheet metal.
This is not a sheet
Handbag, shopping cart, car door, much is possible.
Very normal signs of use
It looks different. that can be through rockets.
I guess here wouldn’t be painted professionally I would leave the fingers away