Wie/Wo findet man gute Programmierer?
Würde gerne wissen, wo Hotspots sind.
Würde gerne wissen, wo Hotspots sind.
Hey unzwar möchte ich meine 96er B5 mit dem Navigation Plus ausstatten finde aber wirklich garnichts dazu würde gerne nur wissen ob es vlt jemanden gibt der sowas macht oder ob es überhaupt möglich ist. beste Grüße Justus Jonas
Hallo, es geht darum, dass ich ein Projekt habe in dem Java, Spring boot, ReactJS, CSS, JS und RestAPI mit inbegriffen sind. Mein Problem liegt lediglich darin, dass die html beim laden der Seite: localhost:8080/login.html den inhalt der html datei anzeigt aber die css datei garnicht übernimmt. Die Pfade zu den einzelnen Dateien stimmen ebenfalls,…
Hallo Leute, Ich schreibe momentan ein Programm und möchte mir bestimmte Indexe der Liste anzeigen lassen. Zum Beispiel li = [“Ich”, “habe”, “eine”, “Frage”] Nun möchte ich mir aus der liste in EINER Anweisung Ich, eine und Frage anzeigen lassen, ohne li[0] + li[2] + li[3] eingeben zu müssen. <- Will halt aus einer längeren…
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leider habe ich ein zu kleines Gehäuse gekauft. hinten passt nur ein 80mm Lüfter rein. Ist das geräuschlich ein großes Problem wenn ich einen 80mm Arctic high pressure fan einbaue? Gehäuse besser tauschen?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin am überlegen, mir im Rahmen der Apple Studentenangebote meinen aktuellen MacBook Pro 2020, 13 Zoll gegen den aktuellen 2024 MacBook Air 15 Zoll einzutauschen. Ich hätte gerne einfach den größeren Bildschirm und benutze ihn nur für einfache Office Arbeiten und hin und wieder mal die ein oder andere Bild/Videobearbeitung. Lohnt sich…
Hotspots never did. There’s not that one programmer bar where everyone goes in, as they say about cop bars. Programmers, i.e. real programmers, can also pay for it properly. It’s hard to find someone to just exchange you. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but if it’s about your project and you want to exchange, then it can happen that it costs quickly and that doesn’t matter. Online is of course the easiest way, but I think it’s hard to find people too. It’ll be easier to find people you give a job and make it for money. Good luck searching, but don’t make you too great hope ðŸTM‚
I hate to take the wind out of the sails, but your search for an experienced developer is actually a failure without pay. And even as a computer science student, the at least time and the Muse have to listen to any projects – without knowing if and what it pays off.
As @FaTech has already written it correctly, there are no programmer bars in which it is only that of developers who look for a project for Lau. Time is money and you can hardly be involved in a project let alone span as a business partner if you have to do the lion’s share in work. This is for anyone who can, a thick minus business.
From this – if the idea is so great and groundbreaking, I might be a developer. the question, what do I need a second man without know-how? Wouldn’t be the first and not the last time that was served on the other. Collect the necessary capital and try your luck on relevant platforms. Don’t expect the best masterpiece there.
The lion’s share is not made by the programmer. It is not more than 60/40. Accordingly, the potential profit is also divided.
The idea is not groundbreaking, as many have already tried and works with many.
It’s not that I don’t bring know-how, as I said, it’s about 60/40 for the programmer. I would like to try to create a trading algorithm using a programmer. I bring the necessary knowledge for acting with and the programmer implements it. If, however, it will take 2-3 years, because my knowledge must be really stubborn.
If I pay someone for it, it won’t. My knowledge must be fed in, I doubt very strongly that it can create a programmer itself.
Yes, that’s exactly how it is – because people know how to get to better people….
How can and will you be able to estimate this if you have no idea about software development yourself?
Nothing for bad but had such “customers” before the nose, which also meant that it was not so much and that cannot be so expensive. I didn’t want to tell you that you don’t know or can.
Nevertheless, it seems that you’re going to be pretty blue-eyed and don’t really understand anything about the services you need. Instead of hoping for a gracious developer here, you can pick up some offers. Then at least you have a little look at what a developer’s work is and why it doesn’t work for “Lau”.
You don’t really attract anyone because it tends to be the same as gambling. A developer does not live in his mouth by hand, but also has to cover his expenses. Without a clever capital, business plan, burden and duty booklet and all the other clathderadatsch – this is certainly nothing. Before “I” deserve anything, much too much coal has burned.
You can and can doubt it. But believe me, there’s nothing wrong with Moos. Something else would appear if it were a swell-open community project that would not be followed by commercial interests. There might be one or another. So all this is very silly and not clear if anything ever flows back to money.
You have no idea of my knowledge on the stock exchange **lacht**
When did I say it was easy?
You’re better informed about ticking before you’re in charge. There are enough bots that don’t work. This must be very sophisticated and also updated depending on the market situation.
But hey, you know so well.
Funny that so few do when it’s so easy.
Well, if you were a trading professional, you wouldn’t be programming.
A trading bot can do this. Scalable to the Nirvana. It can also spit out 100k a month when capital is right.
I think you’re underestimated by programmers. Do you really think we can only code?
And sorry, a tradingbot never spits out such sums.
No, you should do it by the way. I’m telling you to do it by the way. Everything else would be brain cracked.
I’m working there as well, the programmer would never get an algo on his own.
No, I never said the project was the best. It works with others so you can try. Why not?
Yeah, I’m sure these 2k you get out of there, but they’re completely passive. You don’t do anything for it. As a trader, I will earn significantly more than 6k a month in the coming years (because the capital will grow up). This is scalable to the horizon.
See you. Someone’s gonna be a cough.
In this case, however, the financial risk lies almost 100 percent with the developer, as it binds its resources (work performance) to a project without knowing if, when and how much it will eventually produce a profit.
In the time when an experienced developer will depend on you, thousands of euros will quickly go through his laps. Not only that, he will also pay for his own living by reserves.
No failed developer will get on such a ride, just because someone comes up with a “fresh” idea and his project will be prized as the next big thing. In time, “I” prefer regular cash flow through SaaS, native apps or customer projects plus ongoing maintenance/service contracts.
As a full-stack you are already lying at 4k to just under 6k €, as a free developer (entrepreneur). As I said, for the developer rather a thick minus business if he doesn’t do it by the way.
No, I don’t underestimate it. As stated, 60% of the work is probably at the programmer. However, I have to be wise in the trading strategy.
Sure, it’s an insecure project, but you just have to risk it. When it works, one has a trade ban which is in theory, as long as capital is large enough, also generates 1 billion a month. Realistic is rather a good monthly wage for the first. That would be over 2k for everyone. Isn’t that much now, but as a passive intake? Why not try.
I’m not looking for anyone who hangs on his spare time, that’s clear. I’d like to sit next to each other in the time we don’t earn money and get the system out. A cough that has nothing but success.
Fiverr is a good place. There are good and bad people. Truly good people usually have a firm place or a real business and are less on such platforms. At least my experience.
Thank you.
But I’m looking for someone for a longer-wire project. I don’t know about Coding, but the Coder doesn’t know what he needs codes and how he tests it.
I’d rather have a look at someone and not about zoom or something, because it’s about a lot of money.
It’ll be hard. At GitHub you also get insights into the work and you have more active people. It’s not targeted.
Well, simple projects usually cost at least five-digit sums. In this respect, of course, this is difficult, fiverr and co are more for small things.
I thought you did not have a Kodier experience, how do you now want sudden knowledge of what the programmer has to do…and with what programming language under which OS, etc.?
I would also like to make a “critical” comment — “for your search for good “costy” programmers without money request – now, today, but only for 2-3 years…”
Who knows if Fiverr or GitHub etc are still suitable…?
And this is a waste of time for us…
Yeah, I’m looking for a business partner. I was wrong. Immoment is not yet, as I want to acquire more knowledge first, but in 2-3 years. I was thinking of knowing where to find programmers.
I guess it’s the most sensible thing to do with someone who does his studies or his school education? Because they don’t have money, even less experience, but it doesn’t need a full professional for my project. A slightly above average/average is sufficient.
directly https://www.programmierer-direkt.de very satisfied
Github ..
Is it English?
This also uses German programmers. But if you’re looking for someone for a project, stop doing a job ad?
Yes, so I was logged in during my studies and got a cool student job, so I was written by the company.
The advantage is that people have a profile there, then there are also some languages that can be done so far, etc. But if you’re looking for a regional guy, I guess there’s a better ad. Or in nem Studiforum.
Yeah, I guess it’ll be a good idea.
Thank you. The question is whether potential business partners look at Xing or something, because there are only job offers as employees. Most people don’t want a risk.