Wie wirkt sich die Pille der Frau auf den Mann aus?
Wenn man Sex hat, und die Frau die pille nimmt, verändert sich dann auch was beim Mann, hormonisch? Ich will meiner Freundin raten die Pille abzusetzen weil ich meine das wir öfter streiten seit dem sie Sie nimmt
No – taking the pill on the part of the woman does not change anything hormonal in the man! Like what?
But taking the pill through the woman can create mood fluctuations in the woman. This is known and a general problem then for both if the man has to suffer from it. Mood fluctuations are caused by hormones – even if you do not take the pill. The intake of hormones brings the woman’s natural hormone balance to one another.
Can it be that causes the pill more quarrel?
Not necessarily. If the woman has a handle, then not. If she lets go – joa.
… quickly give up feelings without thinking.
What do you mean let go?
Only if the man would take the pill himself.
It’s called hormonal.