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Hey, irgendwie sehen die Tiktok Zeichen anders aus, vorher waren sie ja immer rund und jetzt sind sie so viereckig… (siehe Bild) Ist das normal weil bei den Handys von meinen Freunden ist das nicht so und die habend die gleiche Version von Tiktok?
Extremely bad. False beauty ideals are mediated, which often leads to body dismorphia. In addition, there is a lot on social media “haha look at this and you don’t!”, which of course gets bad.
Extremely many false information reduces intelligence and stupidity often goes negative to self-esteem
In addition, you often recognize young people who are half-naked in front of cameras because they don’t get enough attention elsewhere and somehow have to catch up with wild strangers. Fits up and down on this platform
Since there are now infaulators of any kind and body shape, it should not do anything anymore.
The only problem is that many people have the illusion of a perfect life that doesn’t exist at all.
Very bad.
But it’s just relationships. In the throwaway society today, relationships are already being thrown away for little things.
Without those affected to notice – devastating. Humanity is completely lost.
Very often not good.