Wie wirkt sich Cannabiskonsum auf euch aus?

Gehören Herzrasen, Verwirrtheit und kalte Füße ebenso dazu? So erging es mir leider gestern, als ich 4- 5 Züge genommen hab und das als jemand, der vor 15 Jahren zum letzten Mal gebifft hat. Ich denke es war ein Fehler, gleich mit Hasch zu beginnen… tauchen bei euch auch diese unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen beim kiffen auf oder eher nicht mehr?

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10 months ago

Classic errors in the inhalation frequency, especially if the active substance content is not known.
It is right to proceed by taking only one, two trains and then waiting for 20 minutes until the ‘peak level’ has evolved, the time of the strongest effect development.

All else is cannabinoid overdose characterized by more or less adverse effects.

10 months ago

the only side effect that occurs with me – very rare – is nausea

but only if I very potent grass smoke or with a very high proportion of THC and if I smoke too much of it.

Since I prefer cannabis resin (ash) I almost never get bad. mostly then my chest feels “heated” and I notice – depending on how strong the cannabis is – that after about 20 seconds my legs, my whole body feels very heavy “, just like the head.

then slowly but gradually follows the famous Fressflash and you have the need to drink something cool. then I like to listen passionately to chilly music….until…yes until I enter. almost always happens to me.

but then I sleep really long and deep:)

10 months ago

Heart rases, exaggerated warm and cold feelings and with most stuff quite cocky paranoia

That’s what 90% always comes with me

10 months ago
Reply to  khaki45665

I’m rather nh spontaneous box, it’s quite irregular last time I’ve cut from 25.3 to 5.4 and there’s 3/4 jonnis every day. The day was about 3/4 grams

10 months ago

With me, it’s like alcohol- there are good and bad days. Sometimes 3/4 trains have been enough.

That with the oxy can be good but with that I know Zuwenig to admit something right

10 months ago

I tried it earlier and didn’t really notice anything, maybe I’m immune to THC.

10 months ago
Reply to  OpiPaschulke

definitely not ! there are a number of cannabis varieties. and that you tried at that time was either not pure or stretched or it was not a good, no potent variety. so my guess

10 months ago

How does cannabis use affect you?

Not at all.