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2 years ago

HHC is one of over 100 now isolated (natural) cannabinoids and is produced semi-synthetically for the market. It acts weaker and shorter than THC.
If HHC is bound as a semi-synthetic extract to CBD bag (user hemp), it is subject to BtMG.

Long-term consequences of the use of semi-synthetic products are unknown.
Who consumes HHC because it has a weaker effect than THC, should try it with a lower THC dose and not with a substance that can affect (duration) who knows how…

2 years ago
Reply to  Joejoe219

HHC is not sold as a natural active ingredient but as a semi-synthetic. Such “drugs” have not been researched long enough to certify their safety.

2 years ago

Had ne HHC Vape. After 3 trains you’re sick. It feels like a normal THC noise, but it’s a bit different. So it’s well comparable to normal grass. Würds no longer smoke, as you still know much too little about it and it must be some chemical green, as well as a drug test on HHC shows positive cannabis. Have made a urine test after consumption. Smoke normal grass with THC.

2 years ago

HCC, can be so much? If you can buy it from vending machines, it seems harmless.