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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

10-OH-HC (10HHC) is completely new, which is why there are hardly any reviews or even studies. Individual consumer reports should be more or less skeptical. They are of course not very meaningful. Also statements by traders are not necessarily valuable. Of course, they want to sell their product and use all possible terms.

I have already read that 10HHC should be relatively mild. But also that it should have worked extremely, so you might think it is one of the infamous synthetic cannabinoids. Of course, comparatively weakly active substance can also be metered high and also too high.

In general, it is only possible to debate from providing themselves as an experimental rabbit for unexplored drugs. In addition, where these come from rather doubtful sources. The toxicologe Dr. Steinmetz had a lot of interesting to say about HHC in the following linked report. I would assume that some of it can be transferred to the new variant → 10. Alternative drug and addiction report,