wie wirken xanax?

hi ich habe 4mg alprazolam genommen und wirke 1 stunde später nicht wirklich etwas (ich wiege 53kg) ich bin zwar leicht entspannt aber nicht wirklich entspannt also könnte mir jemand sagen wie die jz genau wirken und wie lange das dauert ich habe davor das erste mal übrigens das erste mal gekifft aber nichts gespürt falls das wichtig ist

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Do I understand that you’re taking Alprazolam for the first time, and then you’re so massively overdosed? 🤔

I’d think it wasn’t real if you didn’t really feel anything after that crowd. Note that Alprazolam is not distributed in Germany under the name Xanax.

Maybe interesting: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

2 years ago

Purchased to the doctor? You don’t believe that.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Why are you asking the question again? What is still unclear?

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Then it just took a little longer…

2 years ago

This is about drug abuse, not the usual dosages prescribed by the doctor.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  maja0403

I’m aware.

2 years ago

Find professional help instead of abuse medication. This can also go very well and become quite dangerous.

2 years ago

After approx. It should work for 30 minutes. Works anxious, soothing. You should avoid that.

2 years ago

Cannabis and Downers together are an absolute NoGo.
If it must be a drug, you should try to get clear with the natural substance instead of taking a pharmaceutical agent that can lead to a problematic dependence relatively quickly on repeated use.

2 years ago

is often so that you can’t really feel it the first time.

Please do not take a second tablet and be careful with your weight

2 years ago

Then maybe just leave it before you throw overdose