Wie wird Weiterverkauf von Gras verhindert?

Cannabis wird am ersten April legalisiert, bzw der eigenanbau von bis zu 3 Pflanzen.

Jetzt frage ich mich, wie zur Hölle will man kontrollieren, ob jemand seinen Ertrag selbst konsumiert oder einfach weiter vertickt?

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1 year ago

How is the resale of grass prevented?

Now I wonder, how the hell do you want to control whether someone consumes his yield himself or simply keeps getting it?

It won’t…

It’s impossible to control it.

AND… no one will prevent it from going around among children and young people. Someone always knows anyone who comes to fresh new fabric from Muttis Cannabis Garden. Schools will turn into drug traffic in the morning.

Anyone who speaks for a legalization of cannabis has no knowledge of what it can do…

Legalization does not solve problems, but creates many new…

This can sometimes lead to irreversible brain damage in children and adolescents is an old hat. What is not known to many or it is persistently ignored that, of course, there are also cannabis dead…

The smoking of cannabis is extremely damaging. In the incineration of cannabis, massively higher pollutants are proven to be produced than in the case of very harmful smoking!

This beautiful speech, cannabis would not be harmful or there would be no cannabis dead is quite ignorant.

The studies are publicly known and draw a clear picture. Below 2 extracts of reports on various cannabis studies…

Does Kiff increase lung cancer risk?

A Canadian research team led by researcher David Moir examined this question and analyzed the tar content of tobacco and cannabis smoke under identical conditions. It was found that, apart from the psychoactive substances, the same substances are mostly released. Some toxic substances have been found in cannabis smoke even in higher concentration.

Cannabis smoke contains up to 20 times more ammonia and 5 times more hydrocyanic acid than tobacco smoke. These substances damage the flicker skins in the airways so that the self-cleaning of the bronchi is impaired. This also increases the retention time of other carcinogenic substances in the lung. Is cannabis possibly even more harmful to lungs than tobacco?

A further study from Canada provides information on this. Under the direction of Rebecca Maertens, a research team has compared the incineration residues of cannabis and tobacco to their toxicity. According to the results, cannabis condensate is even more toxic than tobacco. The team has demonstrated this to cell cultures.

Generala joint containing about as much tar as 2.5 to 5 cigarettes, in a study by Richard Beasley and his team.

Joint damages more than cigarette

The smoke of cannabis therefore contains up to 20 times more ammonia and five times more hydrocyanic acidcausing damage to the lungs. This reduces their self-cleaning power, and carcinogenic substances remain in the organ for longer.

Doctors from the Inselspitals in Bern also noticed that young patients often had to be operated because of a lung collapse or lung emphysem. The lung first forms large bubbles. Place them, collapse the lungs and can no longer fulfill their task. More detailed investigations showed that there is a link between long-term, intensive cannabis use and a lung collapse.

New Zealand studies even show that a joint damages the lungs in about the same way as five cigarettes.

1 year ago

Thank you

Anyone who is interested in cannabis, but does not know these studies, does not seem to want to seriously deal with the issue.

Finally, combustion residues are always extremely harmful.

It is completely irrelevant whether positive aspects exist. The same can also be told about smoking cigarettes. Incineration leads to a clear outweighing of the harmful aspects.

It may be that some people are not interested in whether something is very harmful, but at least they should take note of it.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Can be controlled exactly as or exactly as little as now under the prohibition. With the difference that millions of consumers can no longer be criminalized in the context of so-called “consumable delicacies”. I think that is what this is all about. At least one of the central points.

Maybe interesting: Failing target Kiffer, https://blogs.taz.de/drogerie/2021/04/22/fahndziel-kiffer-2/

PS: In Canada, where cannabis was legalized in 2018, there are other products that can be used in addition to cannabis flowers. In Germany, there are mainly such flowers that can be smoked most easily. In Canada, in addition, various other forms of administration, in which the consumption process is not itself harmful. The fact that unhealthy forms of consumption are promoted is only one of many problems that arises or is worsened by the prohibition itself.

Further perhaps interesting (especially Figure 9 and Figure 20): https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/research-data/canadian-cannabis-survey-2023-summary.html#s2-3

1 year ago

This is impossible to control….

Someone’s grass will be afflicted to children sooner or later and I suspect that the laws will be significantly tightened.

Furthermore, 3 plants for an average case are not quite much. So it’s just enough to cover your own needs if you only build outdoors.

Someone who grows cannabis only to get to the point of doing a drug test with him and this is negative though this cannabis has in his apartment and also grows.



1 year ago

If everyone can grow on their own, that will also do the one who consumes a lot, instead of paying a lot of money to the dealer.

1 year ago

For a reasoned suspicion, as before. Theoretically, everyone in his apartment could do a lot of illegal activities, on the street as well, yet not all apartments and people can be searched. Investigations then start as soon as the police get a clue or notice that someone sells cannabis to minors. Then it is determined and if the suspicion hardens, for example, an apartment or House search where mobile phones etc. can be seized.

1 year ago

You can’t control it. As with other legal substances

1 year ago

Why should this be controlled?

And why shouldn’t it be encumbered (on adults)?
The same adults can also buy much worse legal drugs – tobacco and alcohol.

1 year ago

Who does NOW prevent it from buying and consuming minors? The police? The parents? The teachers?

1 year ago

No one. But if it shows someone or otherwise get wind of it, the penalty is hard. If you give off to minors, the fresco polished

1 year ago

A psychosis doesn’t just make stupid. It greatly restricts the quality of life! An adult brain becomes stupid. It recovers after dropping. A brain in growth, however, cannot repair damage

1 year ago

What should happen badly at most is a bit stupid

1 year ago

Either they’re lucky or they’re good! But there are a lot of examples where it went back. An adult brain can regenerate the consequences of cannabis over time. Damage in the development of the brain, on the other hand, is not!

1 year ago

Bro I know some 15 year olds who take this and those are great

1 year ago

Yeah, they want the stuff. But don’t change the fact that you shouldn’t have minors. Both dealers and not dealers. Keep the kids waiting! Because even if I look at cannabis as harmless. The consequences for a brain in development are not to be underestimated!

1 year ago

Minors want to have it as bad as it is?

1 year ago

Scanning and clues.