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best wash the rice thoroughly until the water becomes clear. — I would now say about 2 to 3 minutes.
I am not uncle monte 🙁
I’m sorry after you haven’t been active for a long time I forgot who you are
Rice variety that won’t get soaky. Usually the basmati and nature rice. Jasmin Reis is more sticky.
Rice wash best with a salad screen to then pour out the water later.
Use the amount of water and cooking time matched to rice.
Or even easier to use a rice cooker.
I always buy my rice on there are also good little rice cookers and rice wash bowls.
No advertising I will not be paid by those only satisfied customer.
Buy the right rice variety and cook accordingly long.
Here’s all about rice explained what you should know
Cook rice: so the grains always succeed in fluffy and loose (
Cook rice, so easy manages perfect rice |
Choose the right rice variety and rinse the rice beforehand, so that thick abrasion is removed.
boiled right ingredients in the correct ratio in the right cooking silver, which has never produced “small rice” with me. never…