Wie wird mein Pullover schnell trocken?
ich habe mein Pulli vorhin aus der Wäsche geholt und vor ner halben Stunden aufgegangen. Der ist komplett noch feucht und riecht nach dem Waschpulver. Wie wird er jetzt über Nacht am schnellsten trocken? Es ist grad knapp 00:30 Uhr und ich brauche ihn spätestens bis 8:30 Uhr. Wie kann man ihn jetzt am schnellsten trocken machen ohne das er stinkt oder einen komischen Geruch bekommt? Ich brauche schnelle Antworten.
Probably he won’t be dry in the morning.
But a bite you can help. Put a bath towel on the floor and put the sweater on it. Now you sleep the free end of the bath towel over the sweater. Then you fold the bath towel (with the pull inside) several times, it will be like a sausage. Not too tight, otherwise you pull the sweater into the length, which, by the way, will also happen with hanging, so let it dry better in lying.
You rise to this “throw” without shoes and step back and forth several times. The bath towel thus absorbs a lot of moisture from the pull. Now you should spread it to a clothes rack and let it dry.
You’re hanging up the bath towel.
By the way, I leave a knitted part with a sweater.
But if it should be a sweatshirt, you can hang it after treatment with the bath towel. Sweaty is not as sensitive as knit.
It’s a standard sweatshirt. But the explanation was honestly something too complicated but I try to make it
It’s not complicated. Bath towel on the floor (table also goes) and Sweaty on it. Bath towel is longer than Sweaty and lay this length on the Sweaty. Then fold and roll.
If you don’t have a dryer, then with the hair dryer.
Doesn’t that make the hair dryer break or can the sweater not get a bad burned smell when you keep the hair on?
You’re not supposed to keep him right on it, you’re supposed to get rid of deime hair. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just warm air.
Okay, thanks