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By accidentally becoming a millionaire, good-looking, having a long dagger inside your pants, and ne horny car you also need
Maybe not. After all, James Bond is an invented figure that doesn’t exist.
Not anymore. A man’s image is over. Like Bond, no man can appear anymore thanks to the “toxic masculinity”.
Let’s dream of cool guys…🫠
Unfortunately, only dream. I’d like these guys back. But you can absolutely forget that today. The cool guy’s gone.
Oh, my…
Today the guys talk about diapers and sb….without words😪
Still sad. The cool man was a success. But our society of the 21st The century broke him.
True words….😍
First you need a cool car, like the Aston Martin DB5… there you can tear with your golf nix 🤔
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Do you think I’ll get all the girls with a DB5?
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All right, I’ve got 6:00 a.m.
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Craig’s not a problem. And no bond.
The only true bond, Sean Connery, is already more difficult.
How to Make Connery
So it is, Craig also turns only with a life jacket ^ so cool he is ^^
For the first time you forget Daniel Craig as James Bond.
If you have to ask, you won’t want to be a bond.
Something else maybe – but definitely not a bond.
What do you mean?
Eating, training and thinking like him.
But gives better
Didn’t you want to leave this platform after a democratic vote?
You didn’t really check it out
And how exactly do you think he is, and what’s better?