Wie wird die Witwenrente besteuert?
Frau seit 2015 Erhalt Altersrente 1050 € brutto
Ehemann 2023 verstorben Altersrente 1650€ seit 2002.
Die Rente des Ehemannes stammt aus einem berufsständigen Versorgungswerk, also nicht von der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung.
Was muss die Witwe an Steuern bezahlen?
In this context, it is important to know that the share to be taxed or the pension entry (2002) is taken over by the deceased spouse.
My deceased husband had the sentence of 50% (1998 retired), which 50% I took after his death. (But the interim pension increases are still expected.)
This refers both to the pension of BfA and to the occupational pension scheme. Should be exactly the same for the occupational pension scheme.
I believe that the tax has been introduced in 2005. In your case, this should also be subject to only 50% of the tax.
This depends on how high their other incomes are. This cannot be answered in a lump sum.
She also has to pay health and care insurance.
I know that social charges are to be paid.
She has no other income
There will be no further taxes. She’s just supposed to wait to see if the tax office wants something from her.
Greetings siola55
She has to make a tax return. How much she has to pay, then you tell the tax office.
Very smart answer…
You can only call exact numbers based on a calculation. And this is all individual.
Husband 2023 deceased pension 1650€ since 2002!!!
In this case, however, no 50 % rule applies
There’s nothing. Information that applies to all widows’ pensions, such as the 50% rule here: https://www.lohi-bw.de/steuertipps/registration/control-der-witwenrente-welcher-besteuerungsteil-gilt/?cHash=ad0bfc4dbf5c2b8be64f65e512223288