Wie wird die valve index bezahlt?
Ich möch!te mir bald die Valve index kaufen. Das soll direkt über steam geschehen. Jetzt würde ich gerne wissen: Muss ich mir 10070€ Guthaben auf mein Steam Konto übertragen? Wie kann ich die index bezahlen nachdem ich meine Adresse usw. angegeben habe?
Steam will show you all payment options. Paypal, instant bank transfer, credit card and not everything. Of course, you can also fill up your Steam balance if you want to. 10070€ is a bit much.
Does it also support Giropay? I am a minor and have planned to make it so that I withdraw the necessary money from my savings book, deposit it into my current account and then activate the purchase. Will that work or do I have to interact with my parents’ account?
yes with steam credits you don’t have to recharge a credit you can pay the amount directly with your selected payment method
Costs only 1079€ not 10070€ ðŸTM‚
You can also pay the Steam balance with The Valve Index because I don’t have money in the RL.