Wie wird der Spin von kurzlebigen Teilchen bestimmt?
Es steht, dass diese Baryonen einen Spin von 3/2 haben:
Wie werden die Spins von Baryonen mit solcher kurzer Lebensdauer bestimmt?
Denn direkt messen lässt sich der Spin nicht wegen kleiner Reichweite?
Wie würde sich ein Spin von 3/2 äußern im Magnetfeld etc. ?
from the spin and the exact angular distribution of the decay products.
from the spin
the spin is determined from the spin?
and the exact angular distribution of the decay products
after the collision, do the decay products always fly apart with certain angles and from this can the spin be determined?
from the spin of the decay products
but the probability distribution is different.
see you here https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.14700 FIG. 2, where different spin-parity hypotheses are compared against the data
yes, and the spin has nothing to do with the mass.
it is not about the magnetic moments. it’s about the spin.
the torque is a tumbler. if a particle decays with a specific self-rotation pulse (=spin), then this torque naturally has an influence on the exact angular distribution of the decay products. because the spins of the decay products + their relative rotational pulse must again result in the spin of the exit particle. also results from the dynamics of the interaction over which the decay runs that certain configurations are suppressed and others are more likely. the weak interaction allows for example only neutrinos with spin antiparallel to the pulse and antineutrinos with spin parallel to the pulse, etc.
can be derived from this for certain sizes as they depend on the spin of the decaying particle, and if you can measure this size you have the possibility to determine this spin, even if the particle is very short-lived.
load and mass have nothing to do with the spin
but the magneton of a particle is μ=(q/2m)·ħ
and μ is related to the spin
from the angle distribution of these pulses can be drawn conclusions about the spin
I am not clear how the magnetic moments affect the angular distribution of the pulses so that you can make conclusions about the magnetic moments
load and mass have nothing to do with the spin.
a particle breaks into several others.
the pulses of the decay products are measured.
can be drawn from the angular distribution of these pulses via the spin.
I got it right:
different particle properties such as zb magnetic moment, charge and mass mean different spins. due to interaction with particles, there is another probability distribution, by which conclusions can be made on particle properties such as magnetic moment and spin.
I can’t say that you did this. But in connection with other short-lived particles, I have heard, one proceeds in such a way that the decay products and their trajectory are measured and then, in the evaluation (a.k.a., how exactly one makes them) is returned to this particle.
A spin 3/2 in the direction of the magnetic field has a corresponding effect, such as a spin 1/2 in the direction of the magnetic field, only stronger, since it also corresponds to a stronger magnetic moment. In the case of a spin 3/2 particles, however, this does not mean that the projection on the magnetic field is actually 3/2, but also 1/2, −1/2 and −3/2 are possible.
Maybe a little rough the answer, but better than nothing, lol
but also 1/2, -1/2 and -3/2 are possible.
4 states/ranges would then be observed in the Stern-Gerlach trial?