Wie wird der Schreibstil besser?
Ich soll neuerdings wieder mehr Berichte und Texte verfassen und bin mir manchmal unsicher bei dem Stil… Wörter weg lassen… Es soll sich gut lesen..
Zum Beispiel:
Herr Ulrich hat sich hinter seinem Haus eine Garage gebaut und mit eigenen Möbeln eingerichtet.
(Schreibt man da: hinter seinem Haus, oder hinter dem Haus ?)
Vor einigen Tagen kam Herr Wiese zu ihm und bat ihn um einen Gefallen
( …zum ihm und bat ihn um einen Gefallen oder zu ihm und bat um einen Gefallen ?)
In my opinion, “Mr. Ulrich built a garage behind his house and furnished himself with his own furniture. A few days ago, Mr Wiese came to him and asked for a favor.” I would not say flat-rate that more or less words sound better, but that you always have to weigh down situation-related. It already makes a huge difference whether the text is written for a novel or a sober protocol.
I hope I could help:)
The time was pressing, charge was already 🙂 but exercise cannot hurt. Later I was really in the work flown..until I had to go quickly 😛 typical
I’ve almost thought I’m too late, but maybe it’ll help in the future.
Yes that can be good that there are continuations 🙂 according to demand
Style is also a lot of habit. I like to read books with a “good” style and use designs from it.
In my job (mathematics/informatics) you have to write very precise and complete. Unfortunately, this leads to complex bandwurmsatzs and very long texts. I can’t do that too. 😂
The best way is to set this by reading the text yourself out loud. At the places where you stumble verbally, you need to rework.
Yes, I do just when reading the correction 😀 and then there are the uncertainties / what sounds better / what is easier to read / read