How are we taxed?

Hello everyone,

Maybe someone can give me a little insight.

I work full-time. I have a part-time job that I do once a week or not. This means that I don't always get the same salary from my part-time job at the end of the month. It never even exceeds 520.

I also want to become self-employed with a small business.

What I don't quite understand is how this relates to my small business and my part-time job? Do I have to set aside something each month in case the tax office comes, or will it be calculated there?

Also, how much can I earn with a small business? Just like as an employee with a part-time job…

Thank you in advance and best regards

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1 year ago
  1. There is no small business
  2. The tax office does not come, you have to work yourself and register a business with the municipality/city
  3. Log in to the tax office of a company
  4. The profit will be added to your other taxable income and taxed at the level of the marginal tax rate
  5. You can earn unlimited, you just have to tax everything
1 year ago

I also want to make myself self-employed with a small business.

A small business is neither tax nor business law. What you may think is the small business operator scheme according to § 19 of the VAT Act, which refers only to the VAT.

How much can I earn with a small business?

The limit for the use of the small sub-scheme is currently €2,000.

1 year ago

The next job is taxed by the employer. He stays outside,

You need an ESt in the following year. – Explain.