Wie werdet ihr Silvester feiern am 31.12.2023?
Ich will mit dem Skaten anfangen und wollte mal die Menschen fragen, die schon ziemlich lange Skaten, wie es so ist? Ist es empfehlenswert anzufangen?
Ein Freund und ich weil man dann die Gewinne untereinander teilen kann oder sollten wir eine drittre Person inkludieren?
Habt ihr sonst Tipps für mich worauf ich achten sollte? Möchte wegen einem Konzert nächstes Wochenende zur Reeperbahn fahren
Hi ich habe sehr viel Freizeit Aktivitäten also jeden Tag was anderes und mein Frage ist wann ist es zu viel
Lohnt sich der speedypass im moviepark
No more, no more.
I’m on your side.
Yes, it is also harmful to the environment.Thank you, and VG. 🙂
Here are a few facts about “environmental”: https://bvpk.org/environmental impact fireworks
And, of course, our little four-legged companions, too, get huge panic and fear.
You’re right and you should think about the old, sick people and children.
My buddy has already invited me and I’ll be happy to visit him.
I’ve done that for a few years, except during the pandemic when it was forbidden.
I bring alcohol-free bowl, salmon salad and a beef fillet salad. He’s making fondue.
There are other friends with family.
We babe about everything that burns on the soul.
Of course I’ll do some fireworks at midnight. I prefer battery fireworks with many beautiful colors.
But I have an upper limit of €50.
For special occasions, I’ll let you jump a few cents. The fillet also costs about 30 €.
First 5 kilometers of New Year’s Eve and then let the evening finish and wait for the new year.
My husband and I have a birthday and a wedding day, we’re going on vacation and see what’s offered there.
I think we’ll have a drink and look at the fireworks of other people as usual. It’s a sad day for us, because my original has taken my life and my mother had a miscarriage.
As always without badges and rockets.
With marvellous candles, wax or tin casting, champagne and crackling.
So I’ll celebrate it with my mom and my two siblings and keep burning youth fireworks👍
Not at all, I’m on Reha.
Well, good rest.
Thank you.
Eat at home and lots of fireworks.
With the family, a few neighbors and a lot of fireworks.
Like every year, not at all
With a glass of alk and food.
Thick fireworks for 300€
With the family
At home as always.
tell me something to celebrate
We’ll go to the restaurant in the evening and sit at home with the family.
I’ll make it home with my cat