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1 month ago

There are several possibilities:

  • Either the actors really have sex in front of the camera, which has actually happened.
  • In other cases the actors are doubled. I think this is usually the case.
  • And in other cases, intimate areas are glued off, so you cannot see them directly.
1 month ago

Current: Depending on the setting and contract, the theaterrs really prefer. The more serious the production and the more famous or younger the stars the more protective mechanisms are there.

This can go from body doubles, skin-colored laundry to AI. Sometimes the boundaries are too blurred, but from year to year, the female actors in serious films can assert more protection for themselves.

If you see older films and compare them with current productions, you can see that. Many of them are no longer allowed or unthinkable.

Famous examples:
Brooke Shields was only 14 years old when shooting the “Blue Lagoon” in 1980. Many scenes were doubled at the time, it had to be much more. In retrospect, Brooke Shields sees it. Nastasia Kinski tries to get the succession of the crime scene from the market in 1977. She was then 15 years old and privately an abuse victim of her father and completely without protection and accompaniment on the set.

There is a famous documentary about child abuse in the American film scene (Speaking: Nickelodeon). This is all about harassment, stalking and abuse, from well-known children’s stars in film and music courtesy, before and after the camera. (The currently bad state of health of Justin Bieber is to be a follow-up from the P. Diddy scandal.)

Not all actors in the film industry are famous and rich in the scene. So many of them (male and female and very young) have filmed movies with sex scenes or gedated men for which he is ashamed of today and out of money. There were some real porn. The “Consumer Couches” really existed and filmogule like Weinstein made use of it hard – even before a meter of film was turned off with the actresses.

Not quite for nothing were dirt bags like: Epstein, Weinstein, Trump and Hefner good friends. Tags: “Playboy Villa” or “Me too-Debate”.

1 month ago

because you can’t just go to a Margot Robie, say, take off.

Yes, you can. The actors get the script in advance. You must be able to get the texts. What’s happening on the set isn’t a laity play with Situationsklamauk. The actors are prepared and already know what they are getting into during the wage negotiations.

Basically, however, the film is tricked by div. camera settings.

1 month ago

They usually don’t have real traffic. It’ll be a good thing.

1 month ago

usually have no sex no there are simply tricks applied that it looks like having sex

1 month ago

who will have to take off: either the actors themselves, or even Bodydoubles