Wie werde ich schriftlich besser?


Ich bin mündlich super aber schriftlich bin ich fast überall durchgefallen…

wie kann ich mich da verbessern. Ich lerne immer für die Klausuren aber schaffe es trotzdem nicht.
wie kann ich mehr Punkte bekommen?


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3 months ago

It’s a bit about what it’s about (whether you can’t do the fabric or if you can do it and don’t get it in the exam).

If you simply don’t make it so good to be able to do things, then you could try different learning methods, for different people different learning methods are the best, that can even differ from subject to subject. Examples of learning methods are, for example, rewrite things (as they are or in their own words, depending on how much you have understood), listen to things (you can, for example, read things from the phone or computer), look at things, read things, ask yourself, explain the things to other people (you can also understand them better), watch videos on things … (you find a lot more learning methods on the Internet if you are looking for them).

If you can do it and then somehow get a blackout in the exam because you’re scared or excited or something you could try to work on it (preferably with a therapist if you don’t do it on your own). Otherwise you can’t do much

3 months ago

Talk to the appropriate teachers, they will be able to explain it to you. In addition, there are probably plus points when you grasp and question the initiative.

Without knowing your exams, it is impossible to advise you here reliably,

3 months ago

in which subjects?