Wie werde ich reich?

Hallo also ich hab von Andrew tate gelernt das die schule nicht zum reichtum bringt weil da 99% was wir da alles lernen brauchen wir nicht im echtem leben, und ich frage mich ich will auf eine andere art und weise reich sein nicht mit die schule sondern zumbeispiel dropshipping oder hustler universety the real word habt ihr tipps?

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1 year ago

Establishing a company today is called a start-up:

To offer a product that is not yet available, and probably many customers have already wished.

I give you my idea for a product that you could do:

When I was driving mopeds and scooters, I wished a sun visor, which can be turned down or turned up in a spot like a roller blind or with a rotary knob.

So that the sun no longer dazzles, but nevertheless the field of view remains large enough by being able to set it manually.

But really opaque it must be! Just like the sun visor in the cars, they are also completely opaque.

And believe me, I’ve been googling all over it, but nobody’s interested in it, so get my idea and get it out!

1 year ago

learns that the school doesn’t get enough because 99% what we learn here we don’t need to live in real life

The influencer obviously did good work and softened your mind.
If you believe such a nonsense, then it’s to be feared that you – from your own power – will not bring it far.

Therefore, to become rich, only the tip:

► Marriage a millionaire

1 year ago

Building your own business can take years. That’s why you have to go to school so you can make money to survive later if the business doesn’t work within 1-2 years. By the way, you can try it relaxed without starving if it doesn’t work immediately.

1 year ago

If you continue to do so many spelling errors, no person will still understand what you actually want. That’s why you better go to school.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alexshudov

I still don’t understand what you want to say.

1 year ago

Strange, I could need everything I learned at school.

1 year ago

You’d better ask Andrew Tate to 🤷 ♂️