Wie werde ich mündlichbesser ?
Habe erst einmal ein Problem wen ich mündlich überhaupt was sagen möchte in der klasse. Bekomme herzrasen und fange an zu stottern wen ich einfach dran genommen werde, aber auch ist es wen ich was sagen möchte erst paar Sek warten muss da mein Herz so klopft.
Wie bekomme ich sowas weck und wie kann ich meine Note im allgemeinen verbessern ?
Personally, it helps if I look at a subject that I don’t understand at home again and understand or even look enlightened videos, but I can give you a hint if you generally You want to report more so if you zb. In English homework you get the real order and if you can discuss it at the beginning of the hour you can read what you did at home:) and then it’s better than if you wouldn’t say anything in the jnterricht 🙂
Try to practice all this. I know that’s hard, but you just have to report and get arrested more often, so that’s what’s going on.
And in order to improve your note in general, it’s always the best way. You say the answer as soon as you know. And you can improve your note considerably.
Good luck
Thank you, I’ll try to report whenever I’m sure!
That’s good. Stay on it, then you can do it