Wie werde ich Hubschrauberpilot?
Ich will Hubschrauber Führerschein haben, was soll ich machen? Und was brauche ich?
Ich will Hubschrauber Führerschein haben, was soll ich machen? Und was brauche ich?
Ladungssicherung, Disposition, was ist Disposition und welche transportaufgaben aus allen Bereichen kennt ihr lieben?? Zu welchen stellen fährt ein LKW?? Und was ist Verkauf, einkauf?? Was wird alles in Transportfahrzeuge beladen zb?? Was für transportlkws gibt es??
Hallo, ich fahr seit ungefähr 3 Tagen echt bisschen zu schnell… ab morgen halte ich mich wieder an die Regeln. Das ändert jedoch nichts an der Sache das ich heute 3 Autos mit 160 überholt habe. Ein Auto war ein großer Lieferwagen, hinten drinnen brannte Licht. Als ich vorbei gefahren bin leuchtete ein Rotes Licht…
Hallo zsm, heute ist meine erste Fahrstunde und wollte euch fragen wie ich mich vorbereiten soll? Also welche fragen wird mein Fahrlehrer fragen bevor wir losfahren? Mfg
Hallo zusammen… Ich fliege bald mit tap air portugal nach Brasilien. Laut deren Bedingungen darf das handgepäckstück Maße von 55x40x20 haben.. Wie streng sind die? Hat jemand Erfahrungen? Mein handgepäckkoffer hat Maße von 55x39x22 Es geht nur um 2 blöde cm 🙁
Ich habe mitbekommen dass immer noch B 52 fliegen. Die Zeit der großen Bomber ist doch eigentlich lange vorbei. Heute können das kleinere Jets übernehmen.
As a hobby or a profession? Hobby has already been explained, so here a little to professional aviation.
How are you? Like all other pilots:
1. Select a flight school (ATO) which may also perform helicopter training. A list is available at the Federal Aviation Office, LBA, under
Two. Information about theory, practice, costs and conditions
3. Bring required documents (to see the part-FCL of EASA (EU Regulation 1178/2011) and inform you about the LBA or the flight school, which national regulations exist).
It’s like the surface.
4. Start and complete training
Five. Find a job if you don’t just want to be on the move
(a) Helicopter training for professional pilots is not cheap and there are very much fewer companies (e.g. lottery services, inspection flights of power and gas lines) in DE than for instance aeroplanes.
The good: With the EASA license you can fly anywhere in Europe, for example in Scotland or Norway in the oil business.
b) Collect flight hours and receive rating. A type rating is valid for only 12 months, then it must be renewed by a check and a theory check. How do you do this and how do you collect flight hours?
Private? Not impossible, but expensive.
(c) Many companies only take “Ready Entries”, i.e. pilots with proof of hours (usually at least 500 hours); for professional aviation, they must have been flown to turbine helicopters.
Since there are no companies that offer or even prefinance an analogue area, there are realistically only two ways to get and receive a license:
– Helicopter pilot with the police. Disadvantage: You have to be a cop and can only apply from the service.
– Helicopter pilot at the Bundeswehr: Here you can apply as a civilian pedestrian directly for the aviation service. Disadvantages: minimum requirement period 16 years (for suitability you can also fly to retirement). And also possible warfares are not everyone’s business.
Otherwise I don’t think of anything. Even the rescue services such as ADAC and DRF do not form pilots, but can only carry out a type rating as TRTOs, but for which, in addition to the flight hours mentioned, stop tests also belong (the ADAC is carried out by DLR, by the way).
That’s easy. You go to a flight school that trains on Helis and sign a training contract. If you are flightable (Medical 2), you do not have relevant preliminaries and entries in the traffic center register, you can complete the training and in about half a year you have a LAPL or PPL and can fly around with a helicopter as much as the wallet gives.
Good morning,
contact a flight school for helicopters. There you will discuss everything else. If you want to fly private, you will apply the so-called PPL-H. If you want to fly commercially around the CPL-H.
You will be sent to a pilot who will determine your flight suitability. You should have some money on the high edge, for such a training can quickly be over 15,000 euros away and you should have time for it.
Best regards
For 15,000 Euronen there is not even a LAPL for Swivelers. 23,000 – 25,000 are more realistic for an LAPL and 25,000 – 30,000 for a PPL.
: Reliable as always…
As a private man, this becomes an expensive matter. The training costs 500,- EUR and onwaerts. Per hour!
Make your appearance best at the Bundeswehr. If they want you. Top health and fitness are of course essential.