Wie werde ich bekannter auf Sozialen Netzwerken?
Hallo! 🙂
Ich führe einen Kunstaccount auf mehreren social media Plattformen und wollte nach Tipps fragen, wie man eventuell seinen Account mehr Reichweite verleihen kann. ^^
Ich weiß, dass sowas stark vom Glück abhängt, jedoch würde ich mich trotzdem, um paar Tipps freuen!
hi, here are points that have brought me on:
-to be unique.
You should bring your art over as something unique. that you see it as something unique is clear but does that also think that the one who crolls within a few seconds?
– choose the right platform
choosing the right platform is a large part of your goal. Do you want to be quick? then try it primary with TikTok. Do you want to report to you every day? Then Instagram might be the better option. On the whole, what can do on all sides, but you might want to invest more time for a platform.
– Quality
the quality of your contributions should not be “0850”. Go to the position of a viewer and consider how your behavior is when scrolling. With good quality, you stay a few seconds longer on the supplement, right?
– everyone is right, only the time is decisive!
for each category, each type can be different. I have used 2 years with gaming content and half a year for meme content until I am “appeared”. This can take place significantly longer or shorter for everyone.
I hope I could give you and maybe others a little insight into what you should keep in mind to get reach and maintain it.